Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Today was my WW meeting. I was looking forward to going for a couple of reasons. First of all, my life has been busy the past couple of months so I have had to miss a few meetings from time to time. I still have been able to attend at least 2 meetings per month but I like to attend more when I can. My Weight Watchers meeting energizes me to continue to my weight-loss journey. It gives me the energy I need to get started well on the next week.

Second of all, I was really hoping for a great weigh-in. I tracked every bite this week and only went over my points budget by 5 for the week. I did not track any of my activity points so I figure I probably earned those points that I went over in activity so it would even out. It did even out. I lost 2.2 pounds this week!!

I was due for a good weight loss. I have noticed a pattern in my weight. It goes kind of like this: good weight loss, stay the same or lose a tiny, stay the same or lose a tiny, weight gain, and then it starts over. It's nice to notice that pattern so I don't have to get too frustrated when the scale isn't in my favor. It's not just the scale either, it's my motivation.

I'm interested in breaking the pattern this week. It would be nice to keep up my motivation and perseverance to see a nice weight loss again next week. It's also nice to see that after the cycle comes around I am still losing in the long run. Each time I have a good weight loss I am reaching another milestone. That milestone is always a little bit lower than my last lowest weight since Sammy.

You know with the ups and downs I didn't even realize just how close I was to making my personal goal. It looks like I have only about 6 pounds to go!! When people comment on how good I look and how I must be at my goal now I keep telling them that I still have about 10 pounds to lose. After looking at all of the numbers today I see that I'm wrong. I'm closer than I thought.

Thanks for joining me on my journey. How are you doing on your journey?


"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." -1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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