Friday, July 13, 2012 does a body good

So I was working out this morning.......Yes, I was working out.  I know, I know, I gave up working out months ago.  Well, I'm back.

Exercise is something that I have to work at becoming a part of my life.  It's not something that I look forward to naturally.  Don't get me wrong, I like being active.  I like playing volleyball, walking, hiking or doing organized sports, but I don't do it very often.  My current lifestyle doesn't lend itself to a lot of extra time for those things.  I'm busy shuffling the kids to their organized activities so I don't have the time or extra money to get myself in them.  Therefore, if I want some purposeful exercise, I need to make a special effort to exercise.

In the past, when I have been in a good exercise regimen, I have worked out in my living room with DVD's.  I have found that to be my preferred way to exercise.  It has many benefits in my book:
1. I can do it in my pajamas after I wake up so I don't need to dirty extra laundry with workout clothes.  In a household of 7 I have enough laundry to do daily so I don't need any extra.
2. I can shower just once a day since I do it before I even get dressed for the day.
3. I can exercise whether the kids are awake or asleep and I don't need to worry about getting a babysitter to go to the gym or outside.
4. No one is watching me mess up my moves except for my kids and they are going to tease me no matter what anyway.  It's par for the course because I tease them plenty too.
5. I have an array of DVD's, hand weights, exercise mats and tension cords I have collected over the years so I can choose from any of them to do the workout that I feel like doing that day.
6. It's cheap.  I don't need to pay for a membership.  Yes, I had to pay for the DVD's and equipment but they were cheap and I now have them forever so I don't get new ones often.

These are the reasons that I use my method of exercise.  I know that you may agree or disagree with my methods, but it works for me.  We each need to find what works for us.  I was talking to my brother recently who has been working out at the gym lately.  He is a regular to exercise.  About a year ago I remember him talking about his new DVD set that he was using in his house.  He was loving it.  Now, he's on a "go to the gym kick."  He says he is liking the results he sees when he goes to the gym.  He says that it's extra work to get to the gym but it's worth it to him.  That's great.  If he has found what works for him right now, then that is what is important.  He's getting his exercise to stay healthy and in shape.

I have used lots of excuses over the past 6 months about why I am not exercising.  One of them was a fairly decent one. My knees were hurting while I was exercising so I didn't want to injure them further.  I should have found another exercise to do that didn't hurt my knees but I didn't.  I decided that I was deprived of sleep so I was not exercising.  I told you earlier this week how Samuel is sleeping better.  He hasn't been sleeping 9 hours each night but he is doing better so I have been inspired to get back to exercise.  I am proud to report that I have exercised four out of the last five days.  It feels good to be in that routine again.

I have started my exercise routine slowly.  One day I did a 10 minute workout on my Weight Watchers Walking Kit DVD.  It's a nice DVD.  I feel like I worked out when I am done but it's gentle.  It's not hard on my knees at all either.  Two days I did a 20 minute workout on the same DVD. Today I did the 30 minute workout.  It feels really good to be taking care of my body better.  Losing the weight by watching my food choices is great but losing weight with exercise added to the equation makes it fabulous.  As I was working out the woman on the screen was telling me how many benefits there are to exercising: better sleep, better mood, better body, better health, and I can't remember the rest.  I know there were more but even those 4 sound great to me.

I am looking forward to my new venture with exercising again. I am also looking forward to the new body I will get in response.

Get some exercise today.  It doesn't need to be long.  It doesn't need to be hard.  It just needs to be some exercise.


"The elder to the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth, and not only I but also all who know the truth, because of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever: Grace, mercy and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, and Father's Son, in truth and love." -2 John 1:1-3


  1. Working out is hard for me too, unless I'm on some kind of team - whether volleyball or tennis, which right now I'm not. Way to get in several days of exercise! Living in San Francisco now I find myself walking a ton more (and uphill) so I'm counting that as a win even though I don't have a consistent routine yet.

    1. I would count that uphill walking in a heartbeat too. That's one of the reasons I used to love wearing the WW pedometer. It shows how many steps you walk and converts it to Activity Points. I used to love seeing how many steps I could get in my normal daily activity and walking. I don't wear one anymore. It's too hard to get an accurate read when I'm holding Samuel on my hip half of the day. I hope you are enjoying life in San Francisco Esther.


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