Monday, July 16, 2012

Faster and Smarter

I just finished my 30-minute workout.  It feels so good to be back into an exercising routine again.  Unfortunately, I didn't carry that routine through my weekend.  I have excuses though.......I always have excuses.  That's part of the problem.

Here is my best excuse.  Friday morning after I did my workout and felt so good about myself I went outside to set up the sprinkler to water my gardens.  I went to walk down the steps built into my retaining wall and fell down them instead.  There are just 4 little steps so how much harm could they do?  Well, they are 4 little steps made out of retaining wall bricks.  I fell, of course, as I was stepping onto the first one so I could fall down all 4 of them.  I tried hard to catch myself with every roll and turn I made.  That only caused more damage to my body.  As I tumbled to the bottom of the steps and lay in my alley I looked around to see if any of my neighbors were out to see the spectacle.  No one in sight.  I was in pain but at least I did it in private.  I winced and whined as I got up and limped around my yard setting up my sprinkler.  I then went back into my house where I sat in my kitchen whining and looking at my wounds.  My only daughter, Gabriella, heard my quiet whines and came into the kitchen to see what I was doing.  She took a look at my knee and cried, "Mom, what did you do?"

"I fell down the steps." I told her.  I asked her to take care of breakfast so I could take a shower and clean my wounds.  I had scrapes on my shoulder, shin, elbow, arm, hands and knee.  My knee was the most visible wound.  It was bleeding and made it hard to walk.  I brushed it off like I teach my kids to do.  As the day went on I noticed myself limping more and more. We had plans to go to the zoo with my dad so we went as planned.  As we walked around the zoo for 6 hours my limp got worse.  By the time the day was over I felt like crying.  I was in pain.

I knew that the next morning I was going to be sore.  I was right.  I was very sore.  Some of the soreness was probably from my new exercise routine and some was surely from the fall.  I didn't do any purposeful exercising on Saturday.  It was a very busy day with the family so I'm sure I did some exercising but it wasn't purposeful.

Sunday was a day of rest. We went to church early, went to a park with some friends and then went home for the rest of the day. I was exhausted.  I planned on doing my workout last night but never got around to it.  Before I knew it, it was midnight and I really needed to get some sleep.

Today is a new day though.  I considered using my sore knee as an excuse not to exercise again but I know that it's just scratches and bruises.  Scratches and bruises are no reason not to exercise.  While working out the lovely woman said that by exercising I am choosing to lose weight faster and smarter.  Faster and smarter.....I like that.  I want to lose weight faster, who doesn't?  And smarter?  Of course, who doesn't want to be smarter.

I'm so glad I didn't use on of my many excuses to keep exercise out of my I just have to stay away from the steps:)

Have a great day.  Exercise safely.


"If you put these instructions before the brothers ans sisters, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound teaching that you have followed.  Have nothing to do with profane myths and old wives' tales. Train yourself in godliness, for, while physical training if of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." 1 Timothy 4: 6-8

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