Friday, August 10, 2012


I told you last blog that I would try to come back from my vacation mind.  Well, I'm half way there.

One thing I did on vacation is exercise almost every day.  I was able to work into most mornings an exercise routine.  My aunt had a stationary bike, a little stepper machine and a treadmill in her basement living area.  Most of the kids and I slept in her basement every night so the basement became our living area.  It is a very nicely done basement with a TV, carpeting and furniture.  It was a nice place to hang out when we were not in her pool.

The pool was a nice extra bonus to exercise.  The kids wanted to swim every day, several times a day. I only swam once per day because I only wanted Samuel in the sun and pool once per day.  That was enough to give me a little tan and a little exercise in the water.  In addition to that exercise I did my morning exercise as often as life let me.  I brought my 3 pound weights with me and 2 of my DVD's that I had been doing at home.  I expected to work in exercise during my free time.

We arrived on Friday night.  On Sunday night my aunt and mom were exercising on my aunt's equipment.  After my mom was done she told me to get on the bike.  I really wasn't in the mood but how could I let them both exercise and then ignore the invitation.  I got on with a fake smile on my face.  I rode the bike for 20 minutes and felt great about it when I got off.

The first morning I found time to exercise I tried to put in my DVD's.  Electronics these days are way too complicated for me.  I couldn't figure out how to play a DVD on their DVD player and they were at work.  So instead of forgoing the workout altogether I hopped on the stationary bike.  Since I'm not used to using a stationary bike I made my workout short.  I kept it to 20 minutes.

I had been working on my arms for the past few weeks and I didn't want to ignore them so I got out my weights and did some arm exercises. I did 3 exercises that I had remembered from my DVD's.  I did 3 sets of each exercise with 15 reps.  My arms felt great.  They have been flabby lately and I know from past experience and what a trainer once told me that arms can be toned easily with a little repetition and consistency.

I added 5 minutes to my bike routine most days that I exercised.  By the time I left I think I was going 45 minutes on the bike and adding in my arm weights.  It was a great way to balance out that overeating and get myself enjoying exercise.

I have continued that routine since coming home. I do my arm exercises most days and use my DVD's most days too.  I just finished my workout for the day and am so glad.  I am starting to really feel like I did before I had Samuel.  I am looking forward to tomorrow's WW meeting and weigh-in.  It should be a good one.

Talk to you all later,

"The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul. I was overjoyed when some of the friends arrived and testified to your faithfulness to the truth, namely how you walk in the truth." -3John 1:1-3

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