Thursday, August 16, 2012

Weight loss, it's worth the fight!

I recently got an email from a WW friend.  She was down about her weight results the past few months.  She was asking for advice.  As I was emailing her back I found my fingers moving faster than I have ever seen them type.  This is a topic that I feel very strongly about.  I can think of a million things to say to people when they ask for help.  I want to help everyone get through this struggle if and when they ask.  I know exactly how they are feeling because I have felt that way.  It's not a feeling that I had long ago.  It's a feeling that I have had many times over the years and a feeling that I know I will continue to have for years to come.  This is a journey that never really gets easy.  I'm sure there a select few that lose the weight and never struggle again.  When I say "few," I mean it.  I know that number is extremely small.  I want to share with you some things that I think will help you if you are feeling defeated and struggling to stay on track too.

First of all, I would say that if it's financially possible, go to meetings.  Personally, I find them to be great accountability.  It that's not possible (I know that it may not be) find some accountability elsewhere.  How is the support at home and at work?  Ask your family for some support.  Tell them that you need some extra accountability.  Tell them how you are feeling and how much it would mean to you if they would help you in any way that they can.  Be specific.  Tell them exactly what you need them to do (remind you to have one portion, keep temptations out of the house, call you or text you and ask you how you are doing.) These are just ideas.  Figure out exactly what you need from them.  What may be helpful to me may not be helpful to you.  Decide what would be helpful and tell them.  Do the same thing at work.  Find as many people as you can to tell them what you are trying to do.  I know that you may not be comfortable with everyone knowing your business but as many people you are comfortable with should know your plans.  It's hard to go back on our plans when everyone is looking at us. People know that I am no longer a WW leader but my family and friends still watch me diligently at parties.  They still know that I am a WW member and are always watching me to see what and how much I eat.  This keeps me in check tremendously.  I still overeat at parties, but it would be a whole lot worse if I didn't know they were watching me and if I weren't having "weight conversations" with them at the party.

On your "good" days, tell everyone that you can that you are sticking to your plans.  Let them celebrate with you that you are successful for a day or two.  No, not with brownies. Let them give you a pat on the back. That will help keep you on track for another day or week.

If you are an on-line WW member you have access to some great boards too.  Join some of them.  Get to know the regular people on those forums and tell them that you are looking for some help.  Read through the boards and stories online when you are tempted to "cheat."  They can be so motivating and helpful.

Don't beat yourself up.  Please know that you are not alone.  Everyone struggles for days, weeks and months at a time.  When you come out of this struggle victorious you will be so glad that you did not give up.  You have come so far and you know how to be disciplined. You've done it before.  Whether it was for a day, a week or a year.  You have been disciplined before.  Remember how that felt and keep reminding yourself how good it will feel.

Take it one week at a time.  Don't worry about the past.  It is done.  You can only look forward at what you will do now.

Share with others on this blog your plans and how you are going to get through your tough times or how well you have done.  Just hit the comment button to tell us all. Let me know what else I can do to help too.  If there are any specific questions you have or situations you want to get my opinion about, I'd be happy to help.  Ask me on the comment section. I will give my answers on the comments so all can see and learn from each other.

Whatever you do, don't give up.  It's worth the fight.


"Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.  In the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep the commandment without spot or blame until the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ." -1 Timothy 6:12-14

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