Monday, September 24, 2012

Healthy Weekend Eating?

Picture this.......

It's early Sunday morning.  I wake up to get ready for the busy day that lies ahead.  I realize after I have showered and woken up a bit that I am hungry!  Why, you may ask, is this a statement that deserves an exclamation point?  Because for the last few months I have eaten anything I want on Saturdays and tracked none of it so I wake up on Sundays still feeling full.

This past Sunday I actually woke up hungry! After realizing what an accomplishment that was I started thinking about what I could have for breakfast.  It was nice to realize that I had eaten way less on Saturday than I had in many weeks and that I was better off for it.  I slept better on a satisfied stomach instead of a overfull stomach. I told you in my last blog that I was going to work on my weekend differently this week and I am proud to report that I did.  Was I perfect?  No, but I did a lot of things right.

I tracked everything I ate this weekend. I've done this before on weekends but it has been a long time.  It felt good to track it all.  I even went to a friend's house for dinner on Saturday night and ate a few too many chips and a brownie but I tracked them.  Because I knew I was going to track them I was more careful of how many I ate.  It's funny how those two actions work together.  If you are someone who does not track your food intake in some way, I highly recommend it.  It makes you more aware of what you are eating and how much.  I choose to track my food on the computer but I know people who use other ways.  Some people use their smart phones (my phone is dumb and proud of it), and some people use good old pen and paper.  Use what works for you.  It will keep you accountable.

On Sunday I ate lunch at my in-laws where, again, there were chips available.  Again, I ate too many but I tracked them.  When I finished tracking all of my food on Sunday evening I saw my balance at 0 and knew I was done eating for the day.  Later while I was working on lesson plans and watching TV I was very tempted to go to the cupboards to find something to snack on. I went online to see how many points I had left.  (I knew I had 0 but somehow I needed reminded.)  That was the answer.  It made me ask myself if I was really hungry because if I was really hungry I could always have some fruits or veggies.  I wasn't hungry. I was just getting tired and wanted to eat.  I told myself that wasn't an option and moved on with my lesson plans so I could go to bed.

It felt wonderful today to wake up and not feel like I had to now deprive myself to make up for all of the weight I gained over the weekend.  This is how I want to feel after every day and weekend.  I am turning over a new leaf (I have a whole tree of them to turn). My weekends are going to be times for me to stay healthy just as much as my weekdays are.  This will benefit me in so many ways.

I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready for a new week.

Until later,

"It is not too good to eat much honey, or to seek honor on top of honor. Like a city breached, without walls, is one who lacks self-control." -Proverbs 25:27-28

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