Friday, November 9, 2012

A Happy Anniversary...with Food

Sunday is Bryan and my anniversary. We have been married 17 years. I love celebrating our anniversary.  We lead a very busy life and don't get out on dates much.  Our anniversary is a wonderful reason to get out - just the 2 of us.  When I told my kids we were going to a movie and dinner, they asked us to go see Wreck-It Ralph and take them along.  They don't seem to understand the purpose of an anniversary date;)  No, they are not coming along and I am not seeing Wreck-It Ralph.  This is my time to escape from daily life with my husband and I'm not seeing a movie intended for children.  I'm sure we will talk about the kids during dinner and frankly, I don't see anything wrong with that. We don't get a lot of time to talk in general whether it's about work, the kids, us, or anything else.  Whatever we talk about, it will only be interrupted by waitstaff and dinner.  I'm more than happy to accept that kind of a distraction.

Last week we talked about when we would celebrate our anniversary.  On Sunday Bryan has lots of things going on at church so going out on Sunday evening after he worked at church for 9 hours was not appealing to him.  We are always exhausted by Sunday evening after a busy week and weekend anyway. I opted for Saturday then. My Weight Watchers week starts over on Saturday morning so going out Saturday night appealed to me.  I would have my extra weekly points to spend on our dinner so I wouldn't have to be as picky about what I ate.  Bryan didn't like that idea either.  On Saturday afternoon Ethan is getting his First Reconciliation and we agreed to take him out to Five Guys for his celebration meal.  Bryan was right that we should just go out to eat with him that day and make it his day to spend with him.

That left us with Friday as our date night.  It made me nervous but it was the perfect day to pick. Bryan has off from church so he will be able to come home from his radio station job and take a nap and he will be rested for our date.  The obstacle for me is that I have already used all of my Weekly PointsPlus Allowance this week.  I only have my Daily PointPlus Target to work with for going out to eat.  I mentioned my concern to Bryan and he assured me that I would be fine.  He said I never go crazy eating and I wouldn't this time either.  He has more faith in me than I have in myself many times.  Much of my faith has come from him these past 17 years.

That leaves me with a couple of choices.  I could throw all caution to the wind and say, "It's my anniversary and I'm eating whatever I want no matter what the outcome." I could do that and I know that it would be okay.  I could gain the weight this week and work a little harder next week to take it back off.  It would just put me back one or two weeks on my goal but what's one or two weeks in the long run?  It's not that big of a deal.

Or I could take choice number 2.  I could watch what I eat all day, make healthy choices tonight at dinner, forgo popcorn at the theater and weigh in tomorrow knowing that I did my best.  I think I'm going to take choice number 2.  I've decided that I wont regret a thing if I order a healthy meal tonight with lean meat, healthy carbohydrates and lots of fruits and veggies.  I have done this before and never regretted it.  I know at the time the waitstaff is offering dessert it will be tempting to go nuts but I will feel much better about myself mentally and physically if I say, "No, thank you."  I'm going to focus on the most important thing tonight, my anniversary.  It's not about the food, it's about the company and the fact that I don't have to take anyone to go potty or change any diapers.  I also don't have to prepare the lean steak or fish I will eat.  I don't have to cut up any of the veggies I will eat.  I don't have to clean anything up or do any dishes.  That will be reward enough for me.

I will come home tonight in love with the man I married 17 years ago and feel good about the life we have led together.  Our marriage has never been based on food so why would our anniversary be.

Until next time,

"Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." -1 Corinthians 13: 4-7


  1. How sweet, Corinna! Happy Anniversary - I hope you have a wonderful time. I think choosing Option 2 is the best. You'll be careful, enjoy every morsel, and appreciate the time with your husband. LW


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