Friday, November 23, 2012

Shopping Today?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday.  I had a great time with my family yesterday.  I ate some wonderful foods, looked at the ads, worked on my Christmas shopping list and visited with my family.  I have many things to be thankful for.

Today I want you to remember that Thanksgiving Day is over.  Today is black Friday and it has nothing to do with the food that the pilgrims ate.  Maybe you are out shopping today.  Get some exercise by walking as much as you can in those stores.  If you are going out to eat during those shopping trips, eat sensibly. The food court can be very dangerous.  You will have a lot more energy to shop if you eat some fruits, vegetables and lean protein during those shopping breaks. Yesterday was your day to eat the special stuff.  Today is the day to get back to healthy living.

I know that you may have some leftovers in the house to think about, but Thanksgiving is just a day and that day is over. How are you going to use the leftovers? If you can control yourself, eat them in the proper quantities.  Many of them may be quite healthy.  The ones that are not so healthy, you may have to eat in very small portions.  If you cannot control yourself around the pie, torte or stuffing that is leftover, get rid of them.  Find a neighbor, friend or family member that wants them.  If you can't do that, throw it away.  I know, I know, I just heard all of the gasps.  Throwing away food is naughty.  That's what we were all taught as children.  If you cannot control yourself when it come to eating the leftovers, they are better off in the garbage than they are on your hips.  I believe that wholeheartedly.

If it sincerely gives you pain to throw the leftovers away, then get in the car and drive to a neighborhood where you know you can find someone who would appreciate and need the food.  I am not kidding.  I was once told of a family who did this once a week.  They went through their refrigerator and whatever leftovers they were not going to eat (that were edible of course), they hand delivered to people on the streets who appreciated it.  People on the streets came to love this family and look forward to their visits.

Do what works for you and avoid what does not work for you.  If you can remember overeating leftovers every black Friday for the last 10 years, then it is not a good idea for you to have the food in the house.  You have learned that from experience.  We need to take our life experiences and learn from them so they benefit us.  If you have wonderful visions of enjoying the leftover turkey sandwich but can live without the leftover stuffing, then make that compromise today.

Today is also a day when many people do not have to work (unless you are retail of course).  If you have the day off of work, you have extra time on your hands.  Get in some extra exercise to work off some of the calories from Thanksgiving and have a great time with your family doing it.  Personally, it felt awesome to exercise both yesterday and today.  It reminded me that although it is a holiday weekend, my health is not taking the time off.  Take care of yourself today and be thankful for the life you have been given.

Have a great day everyone,

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing. Know that the Lord is God. It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name." -Psalm 100

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