Friday, May 3, 2013

Living the Healthy Life

Today I heard a great story on the radio. It was about a man who had lost hundreds of pounds in a short amount of time with "good old fashioned diet and exercise."  I love how people say that.  What I like about WW is that it is just "good old fashioned diet and exercise" that you can quantify.  Although I chuckled when the reporter made it know that this man used no fad diet to lose his weight, I understood and appreciated the story.

Today's story wasn't just about the fact that the man lost hundreds of pounds but about the fact that he kept it off by changing his lifestyle forever.  This is a statement that has been ringing in my ears lately.  I pride myself on the fact that I have changed my lifestyle and that's how I have kept this 60 pounds off.  I'm still struggling with that last 6-10 pounds but the fact that I have changed my lifestyle has made it doable.

One thing I heard in this story struck me.  The man has changed his lifestyle in a way that he can keep his weight off by staying away from things like cake.  It's just something that he doesn't have anymore.  In the past, this is something that I have disagreed with.  I have told myself that I can have anything as long as I don't have too much, too often.  There is the problem.  I have been having too much, too often.  That's why those last pounds just wont budge.  It's because I wont budge about what I am eating.

This story brought together for me a concept that has been on my mind the past couple of weeks. I think that I am in a time in my journey where I need to make some things off limits on a daily basis.  I've always disagreed with that strategy when it comes to healthy living but I now wonder if it may be a helpful attitude.

For example, when I heard that this man no longer eats cake, I thought, big deal.  I could easily live without cake.  It's not one of my favorite foods that I have to have. why haven't I stayed away from it?  Why do I keep spending my much coveted points on it?

I have recently fought with carbs and sweets.  It's to the point where it's out of control.  So I decided to cut them out for a while.  Now, I'm not cutting them out forever.  They just need to be off limits for a while so I can get myself under control.

I have had no bread for 3 days now.  I don't even miss it.  I have had no sweets for 3 days now.........I DON'T EVEN MISS IT!!!! It's amazing to me that I could cut those things out and still enjoy my daily life.  I have always thought that those foods needed to be part of my life for me enjoy life.  My life is much more meaningful than what I put in my mouth.  I have so much more to love about my life for me to look at food like it so important to my happiness.  It's time for an change in my thinking.

I am continuing to count my points and stick to my daily budget but I am finding that I am so fulfilled by the foods that I am eating that I have not craved the foods that I have temporarily taken out of my diet.  I realize that it has only been 3 days but I am looking forward to the new me who no longer needs certain foods to thing her life is now happy.

Have a great day,

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you will discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." -Romans 12:1-2


  1. Good point, Corinna! When I got serious about 7 months ago about getting rid of those 15 pounds I had to lose, I pretty much gave up carbs and sweets. While it took a while I'm pretty much used to it by now. I do have a slice of bread once in a while, and sweets even less, I don't miss them that much. It's so true that there are lots of other things that give us joy in our life -- we just have to make room for them! Good job! LW

    1. I remember months ago when you gave up most carbs and sweets and how happy it made you LW. It's nice to hear that it is still working so well for you. Thanks, Corinna

  2. I completely agree. I have had to completely cut out all sugars for the last 3 weeks so my body could get rid of the craving. It was hard for me at first but I do not even miss it. Yesterday I had a small bowl of ice cream and ended up throwing it away, it just did not taste good. Happy my taste buds now appreciate healthier foods and my energy level is so high!! Life is more important than food.

    1. Wow! It's cool to know that someone is trying similar to what I am trying and that it's working well for them. I can't imagine throwing out ice cream but boy would I be impressed with myself if I could do that;) I sincerely hope that I can say that I have a higher energy level in 3 weeks. I could use all the energy I can get. Thanks for the comment, Corinna


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