Monday, November 18, 2013

As Promised...

In my last post I shared with you my current "status" with WW.  I shared my status as far as my journey and my employment.  I also promised that I would tell you when and where I would be assigned to a meeting.

I have officially been assigned to lead the Weight Watchers meeting in Shorewood, WI on Saturday mornings at 8 and 9:30.  This is very exciting for me!! These meetings were the first meetings that I led last time I was employed by Weight Watchers.  The members at this location have a very special place in my heart I can't wait to be their leader again.  Since I left WW, I have still kept in contact with many of them and consider many of them friends. It just so happened that when I decided to come back to work for WW, the leader of these meetings was deciding that she would rather not work on Saturdays.

These will probably be the only meetings that I lead with WW for a while.  I have other things on the horizon that will be taking up much of my time that I will share with you in my next post.  All of these changes have made my life different these days.  These changes will all bring a different schedule to my life which will bring new challenges to exercise routines and healthy eating.  With all of the support that I have and WW, I say, "Bring it on."  I'm not letting some schedule changes mess with my healthy living.  I'll continue to maintain my weight loss by following WW to the end.

I have lots to do this morning so I will leave you with this short post.  I hope to see some of you in my WW meetings starting this Saturday.

Have a great day,

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of lights with him there is no variation or shadow due to change." -James 1:17

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Living Weight Watchers and Feeling Fabulous

Hello all!  It's been a long time!! Yes, I know, that's my fault.  Time is not on my side but I think of you often.

I wanted to check in and tell you how life is going. I am working for Weight Watchers every week now.  I have finished my training and can officially call myself a WW Leader again.  It feels really wonderful to be back.  I love helping people change their health, weight and lives.  It may sound dramatic to say that my life was changed by my weight loss with WW but it truly was changed.  I feel great.  I have more energy. I am healthier and I am teaching my family to be healthy too.

Today I worked as a substitute receptionist at a WW meeting and someone who has known me for a long time asked me how I was feeling and if I am keeping on track.  I actually had to ask her to clarify.  "I am feeling great but what do you mean by keeping on track?" I responded, "With life or with WW?"  We chuckled at the possibility of a woman who homeschools her 5 children ever actually keeping on track but that was not what my friend was asking. She wanted to know how my WW journey was going. I actually had to think about my response, "Am I keeping on track?" Yes, I am.  I gave her that short answer, "Yes, I am." To you (and her if she reads this blog) I will give the extended answer. I am on track. Does that mean that I don't have a bad day from time to time?  No.  Does that mean that I wouldn't mind if a few more pounds fell off just for fun? No. Does that mean that I do everything right at all times? No!!!  But I am on track because I am a work in progress that does it right most of the time and I need to give myself credit for that.

I feel great. I fit into my clothes.  I am below my WW goal.  I am within the healthy weight range for someone my height.  My BMI is just right.  My doctor is happy with my weight and health.  Overall, I am a success and I want to share that success with you today.  You are part of the reason that I have been successful.  Your support, encouragement, comments, emails and just knowing that you read this has been greatly important to me. Thank you!

(Just because I feel successful today and don't find time to blog often enough does not mean that I am planning on abandoning this blog.  I will keep it up, some months more than others.)

I am greatly looking forward to leading my own WW meetings again.  Right now I am subbing as a receptionist and leader whenever I am asked and my schedule allows.  Someday soon my Territory Manager will assign me to my own permanent meetings and I will be thrilled because now that I am back working for WW I know just how much I missed it.  When I get a permanent assignment I'll let you know when and were it is in case you would like to come visit me.

Keep feeling fabulous and remember that you are a success no matter where you are on this journey.

Have a great day,

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13