Friday, January 27, 2012

The fruits of my labor

I love seeing the fruits of my labor.  It's so much more rewarding when I can see and feel the fruits of my labor.

Isn't it nice when you get on the scale and see the numbers go down because of how hard you had worked all week?  You tracked, you exercised, you ate all of your veggies and now the scale is rewarding you with a smaller number.  That feeling is the feeling of success.  That feeling is what compels you to do it again another hour, day and week.

It's hard for me to see the fruits of my labor when it comes to exercise.  The first day I start an exercise routine I don't feel or see any fruits.....well, except for sour grapes that is.  I exercise in the morning 99% of the time so it puts my day late because I wasn't used to getting up and going early enough to fit in exercise.  Then, I'm completely lost as to what to do when the people on the DVD are going left and I am going right.  And then you can add to the sour grapes when I wake up the next morning and feel as though I would cry just to get out of bed.  Gee.....that's what I get for exercising.

But then, I remember how good it is for me and that if I just keep it up, I will see some results.  I've been exercising pretty regularly for over a month now and I'm finally seeing the fruits of my labor. I don't feel horribly sore every day anymore.  I still feel a little soreness here and there if I turn in a certain direction but it's a good sore.  It's a sore that's reminding me that I am exercising and working muscles that I have but don't work very often.

I'm also feeling strong.  My muscles feel like they are being worked and actually taking some form on my body instead of mush.  I tried playing with the flab that normally hangs from my arms today but it didn't swing back and forth. There is actually muscle in there.  I'm getting toned.

I still have a long way to go on the abs area. It's still pretty scary looking in the mirror but at least I'm making progress.  Someday maybe my abs will be too tight to play with too;)

This has reminded me how persistence pays off.  I have been persistent with my exercise the past month or two and it's finally paying off.  I'm not seeing huge losses on the scale yet but that may be the next step.  In fact, I know that it will be the next step because that muscle that I am building will start burning that fat that I have been storing and then the scale will come down too.  I also know that the scale will start budging in the right direction because I have been making better eating tracking choices but I guess I'll save that for another blog.

Keep working on it.  When you see the fruits of your labor, you'll be so glad you did.


"He also said, 'The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground, and would sleep and rise night and day, and the seed would sprout and grow, he does not know how.'" -Mark 4:26-27

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