Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Boy was I nervous

Today is my weigh in day at Weight Watchers.  I was not able to attend my meeting last week.  We were down one car in the house and apparently it was more important for my husband to get to his jobs than for me to get to my WW meeting;)

So even though last week was a good week for me I wasn't able to see the fruits of my labors on the scale.  I had to rely on how I was feeling and what I accomplished.  It made me nervous.  I entered my next week with extreme cautiousness.  I was very careful to track everything I ate and did for activity.  I was also very careful not to go over even one little point for the week.

For the first time in months I lost a good amount of weight.  I lost 3 pounds today!!  That's for the past two weeks so that's a 1.5 pound average for the last two weeks. I am so thrilled!!  I have worked so hard.  I am that much closer to my final, personal goal.  I was so nervous to weigh in today so to see such a great loss was a great relief.

As I often do after a weigh in, it is time to take stock.  What is working?  What worked?  What didn't work? What do I need to change?  What can I keep the same?

What's working  is tracking online with  I have't missed tracking one single bite into my mouth since I started tracking on etools about a month ago.  That is surely a record for me.  I have been a Weight Watcher for years and I know that I have never gone a full month of tracking every single bite.  I've always gone off one day or one meal here and there.

To be completely honest, in the past several years I was able to track 6 out of 7 days and still have a successful week.  It was when I extended my 1 non-tracking day to 2 or 3 days that I then found I struggled.  Tracking on etools has stopped me from having any non-tracking days.  That has given me the tool to see exactly what is going on with my body.  I log all of my food and exercise so I can see if I need more or less PointsPlus Values or exercise.

I found out that I regularly was going over my weekly allotment of PointsPlus values even with my extra nursing and exercise points.  I also worked and worked each of the last 4 weeks to get that under control.  Two weeks ago I took away one of my nursing points to see what difference it would make.  I realized that in order to see if that would push me out of plateau I would need to track more accurately and not go over my allotted PointsPlus values.

Over the last 4 weeks I have gone over my allotment each week EXCEPT for last week.  Each week I would make it a goal to do better than the week before.  Each week I went over but I went over  less than the week before.  I really believe that this journey is a learning experience and I need to keep learning and growing in my knowledge (not my pants size).

I'm excited to work just as hard this week as I have been working the past 4 weeks.  That will give me great results again.  And when the great results fizzle then I will change things up again.  One thing I will never do is give up.  I can always change......for the better.


"My beloved is mine and I am his." -Song of Solomon 2:16

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