Monday, June 25, 2012

Another great thing

I had another great thing happen this husband, Bryan, joined WW.  He told me a couple of months ago that he was going to join.  Every other week since then I have asked him if he wants to go with me to a meeting but his schedule has interfered most weeks.  This Saturday we woke up and I noticed that we had time to get to a  meeting.  I asked him if he wanted to go and he said yes.

As we approached the meeting room door, he asked if I was going to sign him up.  I said, "No, you are signing yourself up.  You are joining, not me.  I am not trying to push you into doing this."  He smiled and said, "I know dear."  We walked in the door, I showed him where the clipboards were and gave him a pen.  He went to the receptionist's desk and started filling it out.  The receptionist approached him with a smile on her face and said, "So she talked you in to it, huh?  I saw her give you the pen."  I really tried to stay out of it as much as possible.  I wanted to be there to support him but I really didn't want it to be me dragging him to a meeting.  I wanted it to be for him, not for me.  He has been complaining about his weight for a few years now and recently it has been getting to him more than ever.  I knew he wanted to do something about it but it's hard to make that first step.  I just wanted to make it with him for support.

After he was all signed up we went to the weigh in booth.  The meeting had already started so I just listed to the meeting while he weighed in.  He didn't know I had already weighed and gone to a meeting the day before until he offered the next weigh in spot to me.  I was happy to attend another meeting for my own sake too but my main reason for being there was for Bryan.

The weekend was wonderful.  He tracked points all weekend and controlled himself beautifully.  It was impressive, encouraging and motivating.  We had a busy weekend so there were restaurants involved.  He lived the program flawlessly.  I was excited to have him join WW because I want him to feel better about himself and lead a healthier life.  I love him and want to grow old with him.  I know that his healthy greatly depends on his food choices and weight.

I also knew that if he joined it would be easier for me to live the program too.  I saw that difference clearly this weekend.  We ate at 2 restaurants.  One of them is normally challenging for me.  It was so much easier when he was writing down his points and asking my opinion on the pointsplus value of foods and quantities.  It kept me accountable in ways I have not experienced before.  This is going to make weight loss much easier for both of us.  I am so thankful and looking forward to this new journey.  Now I have 2 meeting partners too!


"The righteous gives good advice to friends, but the way of the wicked leads astray.  The lazy do not roast their game, but the diligent obtain precious wealth. In the path of righteousness there is life, in walking its path there is no death." -Proverbs 12:26-28

1 comment:

  1. Such happy news! Thanks again for sharing your experiences, and sharing in the journey!


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