Sunday, July 1, 2012

So, how did you do?

Yesterday was my weigh-in day.  Bryan and I woke up and went to our WW meeting.   We met my friend, Pattie.  It was an exciting day for me.  Pattie and I were back for our second week after re-committing to ourselves and each other.  Bryan was back for his second week as a WW.  Pattie lost over a pound.....success!  Bryan lost over 2 pounds.....success!  I stayed the same?..?..?...success???......

I was thrilled to be there with my new support group and they both did a super job losing weight.  When Pattie asked me how I did and I told her that I stayed exactly the same she said, "Good for you!  You didn't gain!"  My mom called me an hour after the meeting and we had the same interaction.  They were right.  It was good that I stayed the same instead of gaining.  Staying the same wasn't the result that I was really wanting to see but I knew it was probably going to happen.

I've been weaning Sammy off of nursing so now it seems that it's time to wean myself off of the nursing points that I was so graciously given while nursing.  I really liked having all of those extra points to enjoy my food.  Last week I tracked everything I ate and drank.  I stuck to my points each day and even exercised a few days.  If my PointsPlus target was accurate, I would have lost weight.  I didn't lose weight so now I know that I have to adjust my target.  I am calling last week a success because I know that I need to adjust my target.  If I hadn't tracked or had eaten over my points for the week, then I would have had to blame my weight on my non-compliance.  Since I was compliant, I have the answer to my problem.  That is success in my book.

This week I have taken away 1 point per day from my daily target.  I am certainly hoping to see a loss.  If I see a loss, then I will know that I have a target that is right for my body at this time. If I don't see a loss, I will take another point away next week.  This all sounds so sweet and easy when I type it out.  I wish it were really that easy.  I don't look forward to eating one less point per day.  That's 7 points less in food I get each week.  One thing I have learned of myself over the last 6 years is that I like food.  I also will acknowledge that eating is a habit in my life.  I will have to get myself used to eating 7 points less in food as a habit too.  It wont be easy but it's what I've got to do.

I've got to be patient with myself while going through this process of figuring out my new target.  I want to know that correct target now.  I don't want to go through this trial and error process but I know that it will work so I need to be patient and learn from myself.

I have some pounds that are no longer welcome on my body so I'm kicking them out.  They are fighting to stay on but I'm determined that I'm going to win this one.

I hope you all had wonderful weeks.  Don't forget to keep on working, exploring and be patient with yourself.  You can find successes too.


"Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night.  They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do no wither. In all that they do, they prosper." -Psalm 1:1-3

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