Thursday, October 11, 2012

Is eating healthy really worth the money?

Yesterday's blog brought out an interesting comment that I would like to address.  I think it would be helpful for all those who read my blog, not just person who wrote the comment.  Part of the comment was, "As a former lifetime member of WW."

"Anonymous", once you are a Lifetime Member of WW, you are always a Lifetime Member of WW.  If you are no longer attending meetings or at your weight goal, you are still a Lifetime Member.  This means that when/if you go back to meetings you do not have to pay the registration fee.  This also means that  when/if you get back to your goal, you do not have to go through 6 weeks of maintenance to be free again.  The day that you get back to 2 pounds within your goal, you are a free member again.  I would encourage you, that if you are a Lifetime Member who is not attending meetings, the first step is to attend a meeting again.  It may be hard to go back and see the weight gain but once you have bit the bullet you will be glad you did.  That is the best way to get under control again.

The other part that is hard to swallow when going back to meetings or joining for the first time is the cost.  In my opinion, it is well worth the cost.  I didn't realize that until after I joined.  I did it on my own for years before biting the bullet and joining. I didn't want to pay for it.  What I found out is that I lost the weight easier and faster while paying for meetings.  Joining gave me the fire under my butt that I needed. I was paying for it so I was going to do it.  I was also hearing tips and tricks that I hadn't thought of on my own.  There is strength in numbers.  I certainly saved money after joining WW too.  I saved enough money to pay for the membership.  We eat less junk food now so we have less junk food to pay for.  We go out to eat less and that is ridiculously expensive for a family of 7.  My portions are smaller so I again have less food to pay for.  If I ate as much as I used to, my grocery bill would be higher.  It's high enough with a 13-year-old and 10-year-old boy in the house.  I didn't have any medications to go off of but I have known many people who were able to go off of medications for heartburn, high-blood pressure, high cholesterol, acid-reflux and diabetes after losing weight.  Most of them were off of the medications before they even reached their weight goals.  Medications are so expensive.  I am sure that when Bryan loses his weight he will be able to go off of his reflux medications and that will save my family money.

The other "budget argument" that I have heard is that it is more expensive to eat healthy.  Sometimes that is true.  Lean beef is more expensive than fatty beef.  But at the same time, a bag of apples is often the same price as a bag of chips.  Which one fills you up more?  Which one lasts longer?  The apples. I really think it evens out.  Some things are more expensive and other things can be the same price or even cheaper.  If your groceries last longer because you are eating less you are making up for the more expensive food.  I am one who is very budget conscience.  We support a family of 7 on an income that may shock many of you.  I check the ads and shop at the cheapest stores that I can. I clip coupons, organize them and keep them in my car so I have them whenever I am shopping.  I enter every store with them and use them for as many items as possible. If another item is cheaper than the item with the coupon I get the other item though.  I don't buy only coupon items.  I feed my family of 7 on a tight budget.

Most importantly, the health benefits and higher energy since I've lost weight has been priceless. I have more energy to keep up with 5 energetic kids.  Don't get me wrong, they tire me out, but I can't imagine how tired I would be with 65 extra pounds on my body!  I am happy knowing that I am not clogging up my arteries with every meal I eat.  I still eat a greasy burger once in a while but it's once in a while.  I will enjoy my family and my life longer because I am taking care of my body better. My dad once told me when he was trying to lose weight that he was not just adding years to his life but quality years to his life.  He wanted to his later years to be lively and healthy and the best way to do that was to lose the weight now.  That made sense to me.  We don't know how long we will live so no matter how long it is, we should take care of ourselves while we are here.

Have a great day and take good care of yourselves today. You are worth it.

"The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul. I was overjoyed when some of the friends arrived and testified to your faithfulness to the truth, namely how you walk in the truth." -3 John 1-3

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