Saturday, October 20, 2012

It takes inspiration to climb the mountain

Yesterday I told you about my struggles this week.  It put me in a quandary about what to do this morning.  I was considering not going to WW at all.  I had decided that I would probably see a gain and I wasn't in the mood for gains.  Then again, I could go and just opt out of the weigh-in part today.  You can do that as long as you check in and say you're not weighing.  So my decision maker was going to be my friend Pattie.  If I called her and she was planning on going, I would make every effort to go with her.  She couldn't go to our normal location so she picked a different one.  I agreed to meet her there.  It was a longer drive but I knew the leader and she is a good one. I also felt like I could use a change of pace.  I told my 13-year-old, Jason, yesterday that I was going to my meeting but not weighing in.  He told me that I needed to face the music and weigh in.  He's 13!  What does he know!?  Apparently, quite a bit.  This morning I had the desire to go, weigh-in and face the music.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I gained 1.2 pounds.  I know, gaining is not helping but it could have been much worse.

The leader mentioned that many people in her meetings all week had been saying that is was just an off week.  The motivation just wasn't there.  I seriously blame the weather as I mentioned to you yesterday.  I was motivated and inspired by today's meeting to get a grip.  No more comfort eating.  It's time to be mindful of every bite that graces my lips.

I also told you yesterday that I needed some new motivation and I would let you know what I come up with.  I had 2 reminders of how valuable it is to keep moving forward and keep fighting to be comfortable in my own skin.

The first reminder was last night.  Bryan called home yesterday afternoon and asked if we could go the Admiral's hockey game.  The calendar was clear after Jason's football game.  It was going to make it busy evening but it would be fun to do something as a family.  We are so busy running in so many different directions sometimes that family time is so valuable.  After the game someone called my name from 2 rows behind me.  It was one of my members from my WW Leader days.  When I looked at Sarah, I knew who she was but questioned myself because she looked so different.  We chatted and she told me that she still attends meetings where I was her leader.  When I asked her what he total loss was now, she shrugged and said, "Oh, just 130 pounds."  No, that is not a typo.  She is an amazing, young woman who has lost 130 pounds!  I told her how incredible that is and she mentioned how hard the last 30 has been.  That was the reason for the shrug and "just" in her sentence.  It's amazing how hard we are on ourselves.  She has reached an amazing weight loss and because she has struggled with the last 30 pounds, doesn't feel the total accomplishment, or maybe she was just being modest.  Either way, she is my new inspiration.  If she can lose 130 pounds and still be sticking with the program I can certainly get myself out of my funk and keep losing my last pounds too.  I helped her lose her first 80 or so pounds and am very proud of her because no matter who her leader is, she still keeps plugging away. She showed me some pictures she had on her phone. One was her before picture, one was her one year picture and one was her two year picture.  If you didn't see the pictures together you wouldn't know it was her in each of them.  I may have to get out some pictures of my own to remind me of where I've come.  I will work on this and post them for you soon.

My second reminder was another young lady in the meeting this morning.  These young ladies really seem to have it right these days.   I have never met the one this morning who was given a 90 pound award so I don't know her journey but she looked about as young as my friend last night (who is no more than 24 years old). How incredible it is to me that these young ladies got their weight under control before they had children or before they even entered their 30's.  I'm approaching 40 and want to live my years healthy and vibrant.  I didn't get it under control in my 20's but it's certainly not too late now.  I'm truly inspired by these success stories. They should both be highlighted in WW magazines and the like.  They are an inspiration to me and to many others.

I remember the exhilaration of losing the weight before and I want to feel that again.  Thank you for your inspiration ladies, you have become my motivation.

Find your inspiration.  Find  your motivation.  It will be worth it.


"Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" -Micah 6:7-8


  1. Hi Corinna, You continue to inspire me! Keep up the good work!
    Lee Linnemann


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