Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gaining Momentum and Losing Weight

I had a fabulous week.  Today is Saturday and I consider this the start to my new week.  I went for my weigh-in this morning and was thrilled with the results. I lost 3 pounds!  I looked through my weight records and saw that the last time I lost this much weight in one week was February.  That may have been the last time I was this diligent in everything that I did.

I also studied my weight records and saw that the last time I weighed the number that I did today was when I was 7 weeks pregnant with Samuel.  Since I gained very little weight at the beginning of my pregnancy this means that I am very close to my pre-pregnancy weight.  This is the first time that I have reached a weight this low since Samuel's pregnancy.  Samuel is 16 months old so this is a momentous occasion for me.  I am going to use this excitement to fuel my momentum.

This is causing me to think hard about what I did this week so I can do it again.  I know that I may do it all exactly the same and not lose 3 pounds but I would be thrilled with any loss over 1 pound and somewhat happy with any loss at all.  Sorry if I'm being choosy here but after seeing what I can do when I set my mind to it I want the best out of myself.

This week I started exercising again.  I did it begrudgingly.  I didn't want to do it. I just knew that if I did it losing those pounds would be easier, eating extra food would be more fun and my body would be less jiggly.    After just one week of exercising every day I can honestly say that all of those things have happened. Now, I actually want to exercise.  I am gaining momentum.

This week I tracked everything.  I mean everything.  Every bite, lick and taste that I took went on my computer.....even all of the Halloween candy that I told myself I wasn't going to eat.  I owned it.  That made me more accountable to it.  That also made me realize that what I ate wasn't as bad as I thought it was.  That actually made me stop eating so much. I am gaining momentum.

This week I stuck to my target. I ended the week by eating only the points that I allowed myself for the week.  This proves that I can eat the right amounts, enjoy my food, eat my candy, manage a buffet and still lose weight. I am gaining momentum.

I feel like I can conquer this thing.  I can conquer this thing.  I will conquer this thing. I'm not naive.  I know it's not going to be easy from here on out but I'm up for the challenge.

Are you gaining momentum this week, this month, today?  If so, ride it and do your best with it.  If not, what can you find that is positive in your life.  Focus on it. That can give you the momentum that you need.  Then, the positive results will fuel your momentum even more.

Stay healthy and keep trying,

"Not that I have already obtained this or have already reached tho goal; but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it my own, but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 12-14


  1. Congratulations Corinna! I'm very happy for you - keep it up!! I'm back at WW meetings - as a life time member and below my goal weight, I'm not having to pay. I'm getting lots out of the meetings, and I'm glad to be back and staying on track - I'm calling it my "17-day WW Plan"!!

    More good news coming from both of us! LW

  2. Also - if you have trouble leaving comments, just indicate that it's coming from Anonymous - that way it goes through. Sign your name to your comment if you want people to know who wrote it. Oh yea, then you have to put in those weird letters/numbers, too. LW


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