Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Great Job! Way to work!

I just got done with my morning workout.  That sounds really cool.  I haven't been able to say that in a while.  Last week I got exercise back into my life.  I exercised every day of the week and took off the weekend.  Taking off the weekend makes me a bit nervous because I am then afraid that I wont get back into my routine again on Monday.  This Monday, not only did I get back into my routine but I turned it up a notch. I told you in my last blog how excited I was with my progress, my successes for last week and how it was fueling me to work even harder.  That progress made me want to exercise harder this week.  Yesterday, I pulled out a DVD that I used to workout to.  It is the Weight Watchers Punch! exercise DVD.  It's lots of fun.  I get to wear pink, weighted gloves. It works me hard and that's what I need.  I need to be worked hard to get my body back. I am just a few pounds shy of my pre-Sammy weight but my body is not what it was when I was last at this weight.  This has made me realize that I am missing a key component that I had in my life before - fat burning, heart pumping, muscle building exercise.  This week I am putting that back into my life.  I look forward to seeing and feeling the results.

I had another reason for kicking it up a notch with exercise too.  Over the weekend, I hosted a birthday party for my 2 oldest sons, Jason and Josiah.  This meant that I had stress and food in my weekend.  That's a very dangerous combination for me.  Overall, I dealt with it well.  I ate a little too much but it's nothing compared to what I have done in the past.  I am not going to beat myself up for it.  I'm just going to have to work a little harder on my exercise now, to burn those extra calories that I ate on Sunday.

I needed a boost in my exercise routine.  Although I was exercising for 35 minutes each morning last week I wasn't pushing myself as hard as I could.  I was marching in front of the TV while I watched the morning news.  That felt like a treat because unless I'm exercising, the TV is never on in my house in the morning.  There is just no time.  Every so often I would change my normal marching to different moves that would work different parts of my body.  I also lifted my hand weights while marching to get my arms toned.  It was a good workout but it's easy to ease up on your exercise when you are pushing yourself. There is something different for me when I am working out to a DVD where someone else is pushing me.  She doesn't get easier on me when I get a little tired.  It has felt good to sweat a little bit with my workout these past 2 days.  My heart rate goes higher when I am working out to my DVD's too.  That's great for my body.  I needed a change and am glad I made it.  I plan on changing my workout again next week ever so slightly. The Punch! DVD has 3 levels.  This week I am doing the beginner and next week I'll step it up to the moderate level. I have learned from my past that if I don't keep changing it and keep challenging myself, I stop doing it all together.

Today when I finished my workout the instructor said, "Great job! Way to Work!"  I am taking that personally.;)

Get some exercise in today!

"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grown weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless.  Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." -Isiah 40:28-31

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