Monday, February 6, 2012

I feel like.....

EATING!!!  Yes, today I woke up and just felt like eating.  What is that? Why would today be any different than yesterday or the day before?  I have felt like taking care of myself and eating right for weeks and as a result I have been eating right, exercising and feeling good.  So, why is it that this morning I felt like eating every box Fiber One brownie (a staple in my house) in sight chased down with a gallon of milk?  I also felt like just cuddling up on the couch with a dozen warm blankies and giving the kids the day off of school.  It just felt like a good day to take off from reality.

So you are wondering.....did I do it?  No, I took a step back and looked that situation carefully.  I did start my day eating a fudge dipped granola bar (not the most nutritious start to my day).  But I stopped myself from eating the entire box.  On these days I am also tempted to give up tracking for the day.   That way no one knows (especially me) just how poorly I ate.  I didn't give in to that temptation either.  I tracked my poor choice of a breakfast and then added a little bit of protein by making some turkey sausages so I could out weight the poor choice with a good one.

I realize that because of my poor breakfast I will have to fight myself a little today to eat the right things.  I'm proud of myself for making the right choice when it came to getting myself out of my funk though.  I've had plenty of days in the past where I would let that feeling of laziness take over my entire day which would in turn take over my entire week.  I have worked too hard to get this far in my goals.  I'm not going to let one feeling trump all.

I investigated this feeling.  I think it was brought on by my tiredness.  Samuel is not a good sleeper.  I haven't had a full night's sleep since he was born 7 months ago.  He also has a cold, cough and double ear infections right now.  He was the last of my 5 kids to get this cold.  And now Bryan has it too.  I think Bryan got it worse than any of the kids too.  He's been snoring up a storm and coughing in his sleep so between Samuel and Bryan sleep is not something I am allowed right now.

What can I do to keep myself on track then?  Fight my urges.  I will eat lots of fruit and veggies to fill me up since my body often confuses tired with hungry.  I will also eat lots of healthy food because those foods will give me the energy that I am not getting from sleep right now. I also need to exercise. Friday and Saturday were crazy busy in my house so I didn't get to do my exercise routine.  Sunday I was only able to squeeze in one of my DVD's instead of all 3.  That was certainly better than nothing but not everything I needed.  Today I will do all 3 of my DVD's.  I know that exercise always helps me with my energy levels in the long run.

It's worth it to fight the urge to eat and eat.  It's worth it to fight the urge to lay around.  It will be worth it when I step on the scale at WW on Wednesday and see a loss. It will be worth it when I end the day with all of the energy I need to home school and take care of my 5 beautiful children and wonderful sick husband.  It IS worth it.....and so am I.


"And when the priests came out of the holy place, a cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. The Solomon said, "The Lord has said that he would dwell in thick darkness. I have built you an exalted house, a place for you to dwell in forever." -1Kings 8:10-13

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