Thursday, November 29, 2012

When Life Gives us Lemons

About a month ago when Halloween came around I started thinking about my plans for the holiday season.  When thinking about all of the goodies that I would want to eat I began wondering how I could survive.  As I mentioned yesterday in my blog, it's not just about survival so I wanted to make a plan.  I decided that the biggest part of my plan was going to be regular exercise.

I had gotten into a good exercise routine and I was feeling great about it.  I knew that if I upped my exercise time and intensity that I would burn even more calories and that would give me more room for treats.  There is nothing wrong with making more room for treats.  In fact I thought it was a lovely plan because at least I was making room for them instead of stuffing them in where they don't fit. It I do that, then my pants wont fit either.

I had upped my time and intensity of my workouts.  I was now working out to the 45-minute advanced workout.  I was sweating and working really hard...........until this week.  My right knee gets sore from time to time when I am doing my aerobic DVD's.  This week it was really sore when I tried my DVD on Monday.  I think my knee has been getting worse because of a callus on my left foot.  I know I sound like a mess.  I'm not even 40 yet!  Two months ago when we went camping we went on a 5 mile hike. (If you missed that blog you can read it in my September blogs.)  That hike gave me a callus on the ball of my left foot.  I have been fighting with this callus ever since that weekend.  It's extremely painful.  I find myself limping often. I can only wear flat shoes.  This made my anniversary date a bit plain as far as my outfit was concerned.  Poor Bryan has heard me whining and complaining about this callus for 2 months now. I feel like I've tried everything to get rid of it.  I used the medicated disks and pads you can buy in the store for the first few weeks. I soaked my feet for the past few weeks most days.  I've rubbed it with a pumice stone in the shower each day.  Nothing seems to be working.  This week it is as painful as ever.

These 2 pains made exercising to my Punch DVD nearly impossible on Monday. I turned it off with frustration but figured that the break may do my aches and pains some good.  I tried it again on Tuesday but again had to turn it off.  I decided that I needed to take a break from exercise until I can get this callus cured.  For the past 2 months, while exercising to my DVD's I found myself in pain but just decided that I wasn't going to let it take me down so I exercised through the pain.  Many times I did the exercises while limping.  If it sound amusing, it was.  It's also not a very safe way to exercise.  I can't keep ignoring it.  I don't want to hurt myself even more because I am ignoring the problem.

This leaves me with a quandary.  What will happen to my plan to exercise more and leave room for more calories?  It's Thursday and I haven't exercised at all this week.  Today I realized that I need to something about it. Although I can't do my Punch DVD, I can do some kind of exercise.  I have hand weights.  I prefer to lift them while standing or marching because I know I burn more calories that way but it will still benefit me to lift them while sitting.  As I write this blog, I am soaking my feet but when the computer leaves my lap, I will pick up my hand weights and lift while soaking my silly callus.  I can also do crunches. They are great exercise and will not hurt my callus or sore knee at all.  I need to get creative with my exercising instead of giving up completely on it.

Plans are great to have but they can be changed.  They don't have to be cancelled, they can be changed.  This is important.  When life gives us lemons, make lemonade (or lemon bars at this time of the year).

Have a great day,

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their multitude. And on the seventh day Tod finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation." -Genesis 2:1-3


  1. Hi Corinna!
    Both hubby and I have struggled with pain issues and working out. (He has an elliptical and lifts weights at work. I take a step aerobic and weight lifting class at the Y.) It's good to get exercise for our health but at what cost? Where's the perfect balance? We have come to the conclusion that it is better to be safe, protect our bodies and not risk a long-term injury. So, if we're in pain, we back off a bit and let our bodies heal.
    As far as your callous is concerned, might it be something more since it's not healing?
    Have you been to the doctor?
    It might not hurt to have it checked out.
    Sue Kraai :)

  2. Thanks Sue. I had an appointment this week but needed to reschedule for next week. I am hoping the doctor can give me some ideas. I got some more of those medicated pads yesterday so now I'm trying everything at once to see if I can get rid of it - medicated pads, soaking and pumice stone. When it finally heals, my feet should be as soft as a baby's bottom.

  3. Ha! You would know about a baby's bottom or two- lol!! Let me know what happens :) And you look great!


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