Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The best laid plans

You know what they say about the best laid plans right?  They don't always work out.  I plan on showing that this week my best laid plans work marvelously.    That's right, that's my plan.

As I mentioned in my last post, I am trying out a new PointsPlus Target.  The only way that I will know if that new target works is if I stick to it.  This is a tricky week to stick to my new target but I'm not letting that take me down.  The last thing I want to do is gain this week or stay the same due to non-compliance.  If I gain or stay the same and I stick to my points then I know that I need to adjust again.

My week started on Saturday.  I weighed in Saturday morning and  then was at my brother's house that afternoon for a birthday BBQ party.  It was a nice party with lots of good food.  The nice part is that my brother is a bit of a health freak.  I mean that only in the nicest way.  He makes every salsa and sauce he uses to cook.  He uses healthy, organic, low-fat foods.  He serves lots of lean meats, fruits and veggies.  He even serves homemade, healthy versions of desserts. The hard part is that he serves lots of choices and they are all yummy.  Even the healthy foods can be too much if eaten in large quantities.  So I was very aware of my choices at the party.  I ate large portions of the fruits and veggies, medium portions of the lean meats and very small portions of the sweets.  I  tracked in my head and think I left using only my points for the day.  I even felt a little hungry when I left so I knew that I had done well.

Sunday and Monday were pretty normal days and I handled them well.  I stuck to my points each day.  Today starts more challenges in my week.  Today is my birthday.  My wonderful husband told me yesterday that he was taking me out to lunch today for my birthday.  I am so thankful that he told me ahead of time so I could plan accordingly.  He even told me where we are going......The Cheesecake Factory.  I ate a light breakfast and am planning on making a healthy choice when eating out for lunch.  My daughter, Gabriella, went there recently with her grandma and said they had a yummy piece of cheesecake.  I told her that I wasn't sure I was going to have cheesecake but if I did I would share it with everyone.  My two oldest sons are out of town with my dad so I will have 4 other mouths at the table to share with.  I am counting on that to help me.  I've done a little research on the internet already so I can make a good choice at the restaurant.

We are also going to a parade this evening.  We have already planned dinner and I have to stop at the store to get a couple of snacks. I will bring some fruit and veggies to snack on as well as some yummy stuff too.  I really have a craving for licorice right now so that is going to be one of my yummy snacks.  I am going to bring baggies of those yummy snacks put into portions and know the points.  I am going to bring only enough for us each to have one.

Tomorrow is the 4th.  We will walk in our local neighborhood parade so that will be some great exercise.  We will be greeted at the park with ice cream which I will have and count happily.  After the park fun we will go to my in-law's house to party a bit.  I will eat there and make good choices again.  I am bringing a fruit tray.  After the party there we will join some friends for fireworks at another park.  They always bring cookies and rice krispie treats.  They also grill out but I've already told them to count us out on the grilled food.  I will eat at my in-laws and leave only the points I need to have a treat or two.

This is a lot of thinking and planning just to stay on track but it's well worth the effort.  If I didn't plan and think ahead there is no way that I would stay on plan. It's so nice to have a plan......now I'm on to execute it.

Have a wonderful 4th of July everyone!  Be sure to make a plan and stick to it.


"Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me in a broad place. With the Lord on my side I do not fear. What can mortals do to me? The Lord is on my side to help me; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in mortals.  It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in princes." -Psalm 118:5-9

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