Wednesday, April 10, 2013

So Many Choices

I find myself thinking of the many, many choices that I have to make day in and day out.  I also find myself overwhelmed by them from time to time.  My current problem is that when I let myself get overwhelmed by them, I chose the wrong choice.

For the past 2 days, I made the wrong choice when it came to exercise.  I chose to skip my workout because I had so many other things that I wanted to accomplish before afternoon hit.  I have been so consistent with my exercise the past 2 months so it's very disappointing that I have let a poor choice dictate a new, poor routine.  I vow to you that tomorrow I will make a better choice when it comes to my morning workout.

This afternoon I am being given a choice.  I can choose to eat Chinese food to my fill with my dad and my family or I can chose to eat the veggie dish and eat it in a small portion.  I can choose to track that meal or choose to ignore tracking which will inevitably lead to overeating.  I am making a choice right now to do the right thing and now I've told not just myself but all of you.  Some days this choice would seem automatic but lately I have been overwhelmed by poor decisions and have let it take over my outlook.  It has made me tired, stressed,  feeling bloated and terrible.  Today I am making a choice to turn around my choices.

I am going to try to look at it as just once choice at a time.  One good choice will inevitably lead to another and before I know it I will be feeling healthy and alive again.  It's time for me to stop playing the part of the victim and realize that I have choices and the power to make them.  Just because my dad is choosing to bring Chinese to my house this afternoon doesn't mean that my entire day is out the window.  Just because there is ice cream in my freezer that happens to be a flavor I love, doesn't mean I have to eat it. I can let it sit there.  I can serve it to others in my house if they want it and not take part.  It would be a good choice.  It would be an empowering choice.  I need to make more empowering choices because I have stripped myself of that power that I used to hold to closely.

Here's to choices.  I'm going to make better choice at a time.  The first one will be to publish this blog because I need help, accountability and strength.  This blog contributes to those things in my life.

Have a great day and make good choices.



  1. One of my problems with choices is I often assume it's just a "little choice" - like I make a choice to have a small (read "little") handful of chocolate chips; or a bit (read "little") of ice cream. What I think is a "little" inevitably becomes lots of "littles" which turn into a LOT! I need to remember that ALL choices are important and they count - in more ways that I realize! LW (Would love to read other comments - just choose "Anonymous" as your Profile - and your comment will go through.)

  2. I have changed the comment settings so I am curious to see if people can comment easier now. Comment away and let me know if it works. Thanks for your comments Lois.


Thanks for commenting. I love to read the comments and I know that everyone else does too. They help everyone who reads this blog.