Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Another Change

In my last post I told you about one of the changes in my life that could effect my weight control.  I have another change in my life that is changing my lifestyle.  Bryan got a new job!

This is a wonderful change in our lives.  We are thrilled about it. For the past 14 years he worked for WTMJ Radio.  It was a job that he loved but over the past couple of years we knew it was a job that God was calling him away from.  Two years ago he got a part-time job at our church as the youth minister so has been working full-time for WTMJ and part-time for Good Shepherd Catholic Church.  This was a minimum 65 hour work week for Bryan each week.  Although he loved both jobs he knew he couldn't do it forever.

Three weeks ago he quit his job at WTMJ to work for the church full-time.  He is now the part-time youth minister for 2 different churches which adds up to one full-time job with benefits.  We are very excited!  He will still be working about 53 hours per week but that's much easier than the 65 he had worked previously. He is also working on one business instead of 2 so he can spend all of his energy on one focus.  It has been a whirlwind of changes for us. Two days after his last day at WTMJ, he left for youth work camp in Michigan with one church.  He was gone for 6 days, came home for 1 day and then left for youth work camp with the other church.  He was gone for 6 days again.

That left me to keep things going around home all by myself.  I ate too much.  It wasn't due to stress.  It was due to the fact that I'm used to having Bryan around to help keep me in check.  I didn't realize how helpful he was when I was tempted to eat too much. I am grateful to have him back home.  Even though we both struggle with our weight, we are a good balance for each other.  We help each other out by being good examples to each other and reminding each other not too have another helping or have any cookies at all.

The following week Bryan was home much more than usual.  With all of the extra hours he had been working for both churches, he needed to take some comp time off.  It was great having him home.  We started a new routine.  We went for a walk each morning. It was wonderful.  We pushed Sammy in the stroller so he was happy and we got some much needed exercise.  I look forward to many years of walks with my husband.

This week he started working for both churches with a normal schedule.  It's going to be an adjustment for us.  I am going to love having him home more and going on our walks but I realize that whenever I have changes in my life, it changes my routine enough to mess with my eating and exercise habits too. I need to watch myself very carefully.  I have put on a few pounds over the last few weeks and I have to get that under control before it controls me.

Stay tuned.  I have more changes to come.....

Have a great day,

"Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." 2 Corinthians 5:17

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