Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Is it okay to be hungry?  Hunger is such an interesting feeling.  I remembering discussing in WW meetings how you feel when you are hungry.  There is physical hunger and emotional hunger.  How can we distinguish the two?  We have to know how we physically feel when we are hungry to know if we are physically or emotionally hungry.

True physical hunger is a feeling that none of seem to like to feel.  We have the idea that if we are physically hungry we need to feed ourselves immediately.  There are so many people in the world so much more hungry than we have ever been yet we still feel the need to feed ourselves every time we feel the littlest hunger pain.  Is that really necessary?

At WW they tell us to eat the power foods to keep ourselves from being hungry and I think there is something to that but how important is it that we keep hunger away?

I woke up hungry today.  I was physically hungry.  The funny thing is that I was happy to be hungry.  I have been struggling to stay on plan these days.  Ever since Easter I have had my good days and my bad days.  My bad days have been really bad and then I have a really hard time making the next day a good one.  Yesterday I had a good day.  That made me wake up hungry today.  That was a good sign to me.  The days that I don't wake up hungry are the days that I know that I overate the day before.

I think there is a fine line to that hunger though.  If I let myself get crazy hungry I eat way too much to fix the hunger.  But if I am just a little bit hungry it reminds me that I am burning calories and not overeating.

What are your feelings about hunger?  Is hunger good?  Bad?  Do you know what it even feels to be hungry?  Why?

On another note, I want to invite you all to a homeschoool conference that I will be speaking at in just a week.  Here are the details in case you are interested.

“Celebrate the Faith!” Catholic Homeschool Conference & Vendor Fair, Friday &
Saturday,  April 27 & 28, at the Tommy G. Thompson Youth Center on State Fair
Grounds. Nationally known speakers, dozens of great vendors. Mass on Saturday,
8:00 a.m.; Bishop Donald J. Hying, celebrant. Get more information at Register at the door. Whether you are a homeschool family, eschool family, public school family, private school family or your child is not even in school yet, all are welcome!


"When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you.' After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord." -John 20: 19-20

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