Saturday, April 7, 2012

The pants....again

A few weeks ago I posted about my pants.  That sounds a little weird as I write it;)  I have had 2 pairs of pants hanging in my closet for the last 9 months that I have been wanting to fit into.  Even though I have been slowly progressing towards my pre-Sammy weight, the pants have eluded me.  I try one pair on every week to see if I have made any progress.

I am proud to announce that I can check that goal off of my list.  Last week I tried one pair on and they fit.  I feel like a Progresso Soup commercial.  Oh well.  They fit.....and I could breathe while wearing them.  I wore them all day.  I will admit that when the day was over I was glad to take them off because they aren't the most comfortable but they fit.

Yesterday I tried the other pair.  This was the tighter of the 2 pairs.  That's why I tried them last.  They fit too.  I put them on, fastened them and then asked my husband if I looked okay.  He barely looked and said, "Yeah, you look great."

"No, really. Do I look okay?" I responded with desperation.

He knew I was serious now.  He stopped and looked carefully.  "What?" He said, "Am I looking for something?"

"This is the first time I've been able to fit into these pants since the baby was born.  I want to be sure I don't look goofy."

He looked hard and made me turn around, "You look hot."  He is very supportive.

I know that he will be honest with me when I tell him just what I am looking for.  I was able to go to church and know that I looked good and felt comfortable in my "small" pants.

It's nice to have more than one goal.  Your goals can be pounds, sizes, days, weeks, habit, actions, anything.  Have more than one so that when you reach one you can be excited about it and it can fuel you to reach the next one.

I still haven't gotten to my goal of pre-Samuel weight but I am almost there and fitting into these pants will give me the motivation to make it through another day, week, holiday or birthday party.  These are all things I am facing just this week so fitting into those pants can be my mental anchor that keeps me grounded.

Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately.  Life has been so busy, I have been sick and my kids have been sick.  Samuel has double ear infections right now so sleep is not happening much for either of us.  Keep checking the blog daily and I will blog as often as I can.

Keep up the good fight.  It will be worth it to fit into those pants!


"And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdelen, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought sweet spices, that coming they might anoint Jesus. And very early in the morning, the first day of the week, they come to the sepulchre, the sun being now risen. And they said one to another: Who shall roll us back the stone from the door of the sepulchre? And looking, they saw the stone rolled back. For it was very great." Mark 16: 1-4

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