Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just busy and tired

I'm sorry it has been so long since I have posted.  I have been so incredibly busy in my life.  Little League season is in full swing in our life. Three of my boys play baseball so we have 3 different teams to keep up with. My daughter, Gabriella, is in dance so we have dance lessons and soon a recital to add into the schedule.  Last weekend I spoke at a homeschool conference so there were preparations for that.  Bryan and I have been busy working and volunteering at church for various ministries.  It seems like the list of things that take up our time just does not end.

There have also been some tough things going on in my life.  I have been sick as well as the rest of my family.  We have been fighting ear infections, colds and the flu.  I can actually say for the first time in about a month that everyone in the house is healthy all on the same day.  Some of my friends have been going through some tough times so I have been spending some of my energy and time praying for and helping them.  As I write this, I have 2 family members that are nearing death.

Have I given you enough reasons yet?  I am emotionally and physically drained.  I have been struggling to focus my energies and time on weight loss.  I have been struggling with the idea of losing any more weight at all.  Here is what I have decided.  I'm not going to continue losing weight at this time.  As you know if you have been keeping up with my blog, I am already under my WW goal.  I was just trying to lose a few more pounds to be a little bit more comfortable. I do believe that some day I will get back on the losing track because I really am more comfortable a little less on the scale but this is not the time.  This is a perfect time for maintenance.  My body has been trying to maintain for quite some time but I've been fighting it.  I've run out of fight.  My doctor tells me that I am at a perfectly healthy weight and so does WW so I am going to let it be....for now.  I'm quite content with my decision.  It takes the pressure off.  I look good and feel good so I need to start feeling good mentally about my decision too.

I will still blog when I get the chance.  I am hoping that I get a chance more often than I have lately.  I will still love to hear from you and share my journey with you.  Frankly, it's not much easier to maintain than it is to lose so I still have a lot effort that I will  need to give.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I have reached a temporary goal!:)


"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." -Isaiah 40:31

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