Thursday, August 2, 2012


As I told you yesterday, I controlled myself well on the car trip to Ohio for our vacation.  It was a victory for myself. I tracked everything I ate and controlled my environment well.

When we got to my aunt and uncle's house we were greeted with 2 giant pizzas. These were deep dish pizzas with lots of great toppings on them. They were from the local pizza joint. They looked delicious.

I looked up the points plus value in my books and decided that I would eat one piece.  That would take care of the rest of my points budget for the day and I would have just a few left. Boy was that pizza good. So good that I would have to indulge in another piece and use some of my weekly points.  That was not the best decision since we had a family reunion the following day. I knew there would be tons of food at the reunion but I did it anyway.

Then after I finished the pizza the chicken called my name.  It was good.  It was crispy.  It was fried.  I just had a half of a piece.  Uggh!  I tracked it all but I ate too much.

The following day, Saturday, was the reunion.  I ate a small breakfast since I had eaten too much the day before.  I started the reunion eating nice and healthy. I had lots of fruit on my plate.  By the end of the reunion I had eaten just about everything that could be eaten.  That was way, way too much.   My brother actually asked me at one time if WW had a "free day" where you could eat anything you wanted as long as you got back on track the next day.  That's what I had done that day but it wasn't the way WW had built it and it wasn't the right answer for me either.

I had decided that Sunday was going to be different but that pizza came back out of the fridge when we got home from church.  Darn that pizza!  I ate too much of it yet again.  I was eating what everyone else was eating and not thinking for myself.  That pizza taunted me all week.  There was so much of it that my aunt froze some so it kept reappearing for the 10 days that we were there.  By the end of the week I had sworn off pizza because I knew that I could not control myself around it.  This is something that I should have known about myself already. I have certainly had this issue in the past but this 10 day trip solidified my issue with pizza. It should not be a large part of my diet.  It should not be something that I eat when large quantities are available.

Lesson learned. I wonder how I will do with it next time?

More tales from vacation tomorrow,

"The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established. What is desirable in a person is loyalty, and it is better to be poor than a liar. The fear of the Lord is life indeed; filled with it one rests secure and suffers no harm." -Proverbs 19:21-23

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