Sunday, August 5, 2012

Remember that patience?

I've told you how I am trying to be patient with myself as I start losing my nursing points.  Nursing moms need a lot more calories to keep their milk supply while losing weight.  I have loved eating all of the extra points over Samuel's first year of life.  I was able to eat a good amount of food while still losing the baby weight.  It was wonderful.

A bit over a month ago I stopped nursing Samuel.  I have been gradually trimming the extra nursing points from my daily budget.  I've told myself over the past two months that I just need to be patient with myself while I lose the points.  I've been taking away one per week while losing, gaining and maintaining the same weight week after week.

While on vacation I overdid my eating my first couple of days.  After beating myself up for going off of my plan and feeling like a balloon that was about to burst I realized that I needed to be proactive about this so I cut my points.  I decided that it was time to stop being so "patient" and lose this weight.  Afterall, I had eating  way too many points over the weekend and somehow I wanted to fix my mistakes.  I couldn't just sit around waiting anymore.  I didn't want to starve myself because I knew that would backfire, but I knew that I could eat less and try to make up for the terrible eating I had done over the weekend.  I knew how many points that I should be eating according to WW guidelines for a non-nursing woman.  I decided that it was time to bite the bullet and make that my new target.

It wasn't easy to do because I was used to eating a lot more food than I was now allowed.  Then I began to think of when I was first a new WW member.  I changed my eating habits and ate a lot less than I was used to because I was excited about losing the weight and knew that WW could help if I just followed their guidelines. If I could do it then, I could certainly do it now. I already have pretty good eating habits.  I said pretty good, not perfect.  I just need to keep that up and eat a bit less. I needed to stop making it so complicated. Boy can we make things complicated if we try, hey?

I've officially changed my target.  I've taken away all of my nursing points and it feels good to do what is right.  I went to my Weight Watchers's meeting on Saturday morning.  After vacationing for 10 days, staying at my aunt's house and attending 2 family reunions, I stayed exactly the same on the scale.  Perfect? No. Acceptable?  Oh, yes!

I'll check in with you all again soon.


"For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you great only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." -Matthew 5:46-48

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