Monday, August 6, 2012

Tracking methods

It's quite funny to me that I have been home from vacation for a week now and I'm still blogging about it.  I guess part of me still wants to be on vacation;)  Part of the reason I am still writing about vacation is because I was able to take the time to think about things.  Not a lot of time mind you, I still had 5 children to take care of and one of them was a toddler that just learned how to walk.

One thing that could have tripped me up on vacation is that I usually track online with Weight Watchers etools.  A week before I left I realized that I would be missing my etools.  I would be staying at my aunt and uncle's house.  I knew they didn't have a computer.  Bryan said I could bring our laptop but he wasn't coming with us so I didn't want to take our only computer.  It turned out to be a good decision because they didn't have internet either so even if I would have brought the computer I would not have been able to track with it.

I have found tracking my food to be an important part of my weight loss and weight maintenance.  There is no way that I can lose weight without keeping track of everything I eat. It's so easy to forget how much and what I ate unless I keep track.  On vacation I think that it's completely admirable to lose weight.  I also believe that it's completely possible.  Unfortunately, for me it's also rare.  I am happy if I maintain.  That is exactly what I did.  I know that if I hadn't found a way to track I would have easily gained.

I took along my WW PointsPlus Calculator. I realized before I left that it would be a great way to track without too much effort. As I have told you in previous posts, I did not track everything.  I should have, but I didn't.  I did track on 80% of the days though.  That tracking made the difference between gaining and maintaining.  It was nice and handy to carry that calculator in my shorts pocket when I was on the run and on the kitchen counter when I was not.

I'm not sure how many of you are WW members.  I know that many of you were my members when I was a WW leader.  I also know that many of you have shared this blog with your friends and family members.  I also know that this blog is read in other countries around the world because I get the reports that tell me such things.  So I'm guessing that all of you are not WW members.  I will tell you that whether you follow WW or you follow something different I would highly recommend tracking everything you eat.  It can make all the difference.

Talk to you again soon.  Maybe I'll get my mind back from vacation soon;)


"And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him and the boy was cured instantly. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, 'Why could we not cast it out?' He said to them, 'Because of your little faith. For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.'" -Matthew 17:18-20

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