Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My ring reminds me

I am reminded of a story that my kids' listen to on tape (yes, we still  have a cassette player in our car).  In the story, the people are stranded in the ocean because their boat malfunctions.  After sitting in the water for a while waiting for help to come, they realize that they are floating out to sea because they can barely see land anymore.  They frantically search the boat for an anchor so they can stabilize the boat.  When they find a chain with no anchor on the end of it they panic.

I certainly don't claim to know the feeling of truly being stranded in the ocean.  I do know the feeling of panic when I feel out of control in my healthy living though.  This past weekend I let things get out of control.  I ate just a little too much on Friday night when out on my date.  That was no big deal but unfortunately, it was just the start.  I then let my little overage from Friday spill into Saturday. I lost more control Saturday and used my happy-go-lucky feelings give me a reason to splurge.  On Sunday I intended to get control again but as soon as I felt the least bit tempted, I gave in.  Monday is always the day that I get back on track if I go a little nuts over the weekend.  It didn't happen either.  Again, I let any little temptation take control of my eating.  It was ridiculous.  By Monday night, I felt defeated. I gave myself a good scolding and vowed to get it together for Tuesday.

Thankfully, Tuesday I was able to control myself. I stopped my ridiculous behavior and ate well all day. I actually made the comment to Bryan Tuesday evening that it was about time that I end a day eating only what I am budgeted to eat. I scolded myself again but this time I did in front of Bryan.  He looked at me like I was nuts;) I was reminded that day of my decisions by the feeling of my ring. Bryan did a good job when he proposed to me.  He bought my ring from a friend who worked in a jewelry store.  That friend happened to be engaged to my roommate. She was able to raid my jewelry box to find out what size ring I wore.  Since that day I have had it sized a few different times.  I don't remember exactly how many times.  I just remember having to size it up once, twice or maybe three times as I gained weight over the years.  Then I remember having to size it down once or twice as I lost weight.  It is now comfortably sitting on my finger each and every day and night.

When I eat too much, my ring starts to get tight. It's not that it gets so tight that it's painful but I like it to be a little loose. When I play with it, I like it to move around my finger a bit. My wedding ring is an anchor for me to remember, of course, my love for my husband.  It also reminds me to make healthy choices.  When I am tempted to eat something that looks tasty even though I know I shouldn't, I can play with my ring to remind me of how I like it to lay comfortably around my finger.  It reminds me of my commitment to my husband as well as my commitment to myself.  It is an anchor that helps me from drifting out to sea.  If I drift out to sea I find myself on the "seefood" diet (if I see the food, I eat it;).

Anchors are very helpful tools.  They can be helpful reminders of commitments that you make to yourself or others.  I've had a few anchors over the years that have helped remind me of the choices that I have to make.  My wedding ring is one that I have just recently noticed that I could use.  It's something that is with me all the time.

If you don't have an anchor that helps you with your healthy living, find one.  It may be a poem that reminds you of your goals.  It may be a charm that someone once gave you.  It may be a picture of how you want to look.  It may be a picture of how you once looked.

If you would like to tell others about anchors you have or will have, feel free to comment to give ideas.

Have a great day.  Don't float away,

"We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters the inner shrine behind the curtain, where Jesus, a forerunner on our behalf, has entered, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.

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