Thursday, November 15, 2012

The proof is in the.....cookies

I can't deny it anymore. I really was trying to look the other way and forget about the fact that the holidays are coming. Don't get me wrong, I love Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas and New Years.  The celebrations are wonderful.  The kids are so excited.  The adults are so excited.  Everyone gets dressed up and looks so great.  Family time is wonderful.  It's the perfect reason to get together with friends and family members you haven't seen in a long time.  It's a beautiful time of year.  The part that scares me is the food.

Food is at every celebration.  The kids look through the cookie books to request that we make their favorite Christmas cookie.  The adults love to cook their favorite dish, explore by making some new ones and want everyone to try everything.  It's time to get out my "holiday clothes" to see if they fit or see if I have to go shopping.  No matter how much weight I lose, shopping is never my favorite past time.   I am my worst critic about how I look in clothing.  I see every bump, wrinkle or bulge.  I had to try on 10 bathing suits this past summer before I reluctantly bought one.

It's time that I face the fact that the holidays are almost here.  Thanksgiving is just one week away.  It doesn't seem right.  It seems like it crept up on me but the commercials don't lie.  The sales are being advertised, the music is being played and the food is being plastered on the screen too.  I guess that also means it's time for me to start making a plan.  What will I do about my healthy living for the holidays?  Will I eat all the cookies I want?  No.  My mom, Jason and Josiah started baking this week.  Jason and Josiah each picked a cookie recipe.  They baked them at my mom's house.  That was helpful.  I didn't have to smell them, lick the beaters, taste test them, eat the leftover kisses or store them until Christmas.  My boys came home with 2 bags of cookies containing about 10 cookies per bag.  I was so grateful for that. One of them is a kind that doesn't appeal to me - bonus!  The other one is one of my favorites that I can OD on in a heartbeat.  I have had just one of them since they have been in my house for the past 2 days.  I tracked it, ate it and enjoyed it. I may not be as lucky with the rest of the cookies that need baked.  I may have to make some in my own kitchen.  When I do, I will have to read this blog before to remind myself that I can control myself if I want to.

This is just the first of the many challenges that are on their way due to the holidays.  I will address more of them as we head further into the season.  I think I will address them on my blog the same way I will attack them in my life - one at a time. The cookies were the first reminder that the holidays are on their way and I will have challenges to face. There will be more reminders. I'm aware of them and will be watching carefully.

Have a great day,

"O how abundant is your goodness that you have laid up for those who fer you, and accomplished for those who take refuge in your, in the sigh of everyone! In the shelter of your presence you hide them from human plots; you hold them safe under your shelter from contentious tongues." -Psalm 31:19-20

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