Thursday, September 19, 2013

Changing my Profiles

Boy it's been a while.  Life has just been too busy to take time to blog.  One of the reasons that I avoid blogging sometimes is because finding a picture to post with it takes too much time.  So I decided that I'd rather post a quick bit and forget the picture this time.  I miss "chatting" with you all.

What's keeping me so busy?  Well, changes abound again.  I have started re-training with Weight Watchers as an employee again.  I am coming back to Weight Watchers as a Leader.  I'm really excited about it.  Bryan's work schedule and the kids' ages are making it possible (and a good idea) for me to go back to work.  Since I have been gone from employment with WW for over 2 years, I need to be trained again.  That may sound cumbersome but I really don't mind.  I like knowing that I will be well-versed in the proper knowledge to do my job well.  Weight Watchers is extremely diligent in making sure their employees are well-trained and I feel that is a good trait for a company.

I have been trained as a receptionist and now will complete my leader training too.  I wont complete the training until the end of October or beginning of November so it really takes a lot of time.  I love being back in the WW room as an employee but I will be really thrilled when I am fully back as a leader.  In the meantime, I am finishing my training while subbing meetings as a receptionist and working drop in hours at the centers. It's a great way to get my feet wet again.

That's why I will be changing my profile. I will need to change my profile in my blog to be a current employee of WW instead of a former.  I'll find the time to do that soon. Lack of time is still my greatest enemy as the kids have started school and homeschooling tends to take a great effort.

Another profile that is gradually changing is my body's profile.  In my journey with WW I have found that there is a certain number on the scale that when I hit it, my facial profile changes.  It's at that time that I like the way my chin looks.  I've reached that magic number and it makes a difference in what I see when I look in the mirror.

The last profile that is changing is also on my body.  As I continue to strive in exercising as often as possible and staying active, my profile is changing around my mid-section.  After having 5 kids, my mid-section will never be the same but it's looking slimmer and more fit.  It has taken me over 2 years to feel like I am approaching the same feeling that I felt before Sammy's pregnancy but I really am feeling good lately. I'm starting to see those love handles disappear.

I hope you are all doing well.

If you would like to comment, you will now have to punch in the funny characters again.  I was receiving so many spam comments that I just couldn't take it anymore. I would rather just get comments from those of you who really read the blog.

Have a great day,

"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths." -Proverbs 3:6


  1. So glad you're finding it possible to be a WW leader again!! I hope you'll be at the Shorewood location at least some of the time. And congrats on your "changing profile" - all of them! Give all of us hope - keeping at it really does work! Hope to see you soon. (And, I'm glad that's you've changed the system for us to leave comments - it was obvious that those other commenters were just spammers.) LW

  2. Congrats on your accomplishment! I'd LOVE to see you at Shorewood again!! Maybe you could get Jerry to come back :)
    (Sorry I couldn't figure out to comment other than as Anonymous)

  3. Thanks LW. I've always appreciated your comments and support on these blogs. I just had a meeting with my Territory Manager yesterday and it looks like you will probably see me at Shorewood as a leader at a meeting or two. That's all I know for now. When I find out exactly what meeting I will be leading, I will let you know.

  4. Thanks Linda. As I just mentioned to LW, it looks like I will be back at Shorewood eventually. Until I get my leader schedule assigned to me, I can tell you that I will be subbing there as a receptionist on Sept. 28th, Oct. 10th and Oct. 12th. I would love to see you and Jerry at one of those meetings.

    I think the only way you can comment is as anonymous. I have no idea why. I have tried several times to fix it but I don't think I have any control over it.

    Nice to hear from you.


Thanks for commenting. I love to read the comments and I know that everyone else does too. They help everyone who reads this blog.