Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's not easy

Today in my WW meeting we talked about motivation and determination.  Motivation is what gets you in the door to start something new but determination is what keeps you doing it.  (That's the gist of what I remember anyway.)

As I went about my day after my meeting I saw how this was true in my own life.  Motivation is what got me to begin losing weight years ago.  I was motivated to do something about the condition of my body.  I was motivated to do the WW program to feel like I could keep up with life and be comfortable with the size I was wearing.

As I continued to try living the WW life I had successes and setbacks.  I had losses and gains.  Eventually, I got to my goal but it wasn't without a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Okay, maybe not blood unless you count giving birth to a few kids.:)  From my highest weight in 2003 I have lost a total of 63.8 pounds.....and that highest weight does NOT include being pregnant with any of children.  I was even higher during Gabriella's pregnancy.

I am proud to say that I have lost a total of 63.8 pounds and when most people look at me they probably would never know that I had that weight on my at one time.  They also don't know how hard I have worked to get it off (more than once) and keep it off (more than once).  It's not an easy process.

In a conversation with my mom today we were talking about the difficulties of losing weight.  I was telling her how I understand her woes.  I was sharing with her how I am tempted by all of the junk too......and so is my husband, Bryan.  She made a comment that surprised me.  She said I was different.   Hmmmmmm...... How am I different?  I didn't get it.  I have the same struggles as anyone with a weight problem.

Later, over dinner, I was sharing with Bryan her comment and he agreed with her.  He said it was because I was disciplined.  Again, I was shocked.  These are the two most supportive people in my life as far as my weight loss.  These two people have asked about my weigh-ins over the years and cheered me on every step of the way, but now I was different.  Now I was seen as someone who doesn't struggle.  Why?  Because I got to my goal?  Because I kept the weight off?

I'll be honest.  I'm trying not to be offended by either comment because I know that neither of them meant it offensively at all, but it's a bit unsettling to me for some reason.   I am no different from anyone else.  I am no different from any one of you who read this blog, anyone else who attends Weight Watchers meetings or anyone else who has a weight problem.

So I guess what I want to point out to all of you is that it doesn't matter who you are!!  It doesn't matter how you are wired.  It doesn't matter how disciplined, motivated or determined you are.  It's going to be hard to lose the weight. I'm not going to lie.  It's going to hard to lose it and then hard to maintain the weight loss.  You will learn small tricks, tips and ideas to help you along the way and those things will be tremendous tools for you to lean on. You will eventually learn habits that will help you keep your head above water when things get rough.  It's not easy for anyone!!  BUT you will never regret it!!  I have NEVER looked back and regretted saying no to extra helpings or dessert and you wont either.  Don't focus on how hard it is. Focus on what you want to feel when you lose that 2, 5, 50 or 100 pounds.  That's what is going to make it all worth it.  Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it.  _________(insert your name here) CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!!  Believe it!

I hope there weren't too many exclamation points today!;)  I'm just feeling like I need to exclaim my message tonight.

Take care of yourself,

"And to the centurion Jesus said, "Go; let it be done for you according to your faith." And the servant was healed in that hour." -Matthew 8:13


  1. Thank you so much for your blogs, and for the Emails that remind me about your blogs! As I read your reflection and thought about the feedback from your family, I considered your surprise at whether your 'discipline' was the difference they were detecting. What I see (and admire) is that you have purposely kept the goal of weight management and changing your eating behaviors in the forefront of your attentional focus. The words "attentional focus" bring to mind some other words "intentional focus." Both 'attention' and 'intention' seem to be the appropriate words. I was once told that a study had found that major life- or behavioral habits-related changes were most likely to be successful when that goal became one of the three (3) uppermost priorities/goals in the person's life. I don't know if that is true, but it seems like there are a lot of other possible issues/aims/goals competing for our attentional focus. If the goal of managing our eating behaviors and working on resisting temptations slips too far down the priority list, then we can slip back into our old ways all too easily. So the challenge is to maintain that attentional focus (and intentional focus) on the goal to keep it uppermost among our priorities. You have worked hard to help the issue stay up there as a major priority in your focus of attention. For example, by doing this blog, it is a strategy that helps you stay focused. By building those strategies into your life, your approach looks more disciplined - but it is really a matter of attentional focus, I think. I want to think about this more, because I know I want to work harder at my own attentional focus ... and develop strategies (journaling, etc. - kind of like your blogging) that can help me to do better. Thanks again!

  2. Wow Carol! That's some very interesting stuff. I have made my weight a high priority in my life. I don't know if it's in the top 3 as I have so many priorities. I do know that I have weaved into my top priorities. I would never put my weight in front of my family or my God, but I have learned to weave it into my meals with my family. I have learned to still go out to eat on a date with my husband and make good choices so neither my weight or my marriage suffers. I have learned to still attend the potluck dinners at church so I can still be active in my faith but again made good choices. I have learned that asking God for help in this journey is important for me too.

    Thanks so much for your comments Carol. I really love seeing comments here.



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