Monday, March 26, 2012

Overdid it:(

Wow, it was a busy weekend!  Friday morning and afternoon were pretty normal.  We attended Friday morning Mass and then worked on school work for the rest of the day.  I started dinner too late.  By the time I had it ready to go into the oven, it was too late.  I put in the refrigerator and told the kids to get in the car.  My husband, Bryan, and my son, Jason, had already left so I just had to feed and wrangle the others.

We went through McDonald's drive-thru on the way to church.  Fish sandwiches and small fries for everyone!  I knew it wasn't the best choice but it was a no meat Friday for us so that's the direction I went.  We went to church for the dress rehearsal.  Bryan was directing "We Were There." It's a presentation of the living Stations of the Cross.  Jason was in the play as Jesus. (This is huge for my normally shy teenage boy.)  I was singing in the choir so the rest of  the kids came too.  I tracked my McDonald's when I got home that night.  It put me over for the day and just a little over the rest of my Weekly PointsPlus Allowance.  No, it's not good to be over at all, but I'll take just a few points over.

Saturday started as normal too.  Bryan had some business for church so he was gone all morning.  I took Gabriella to dance in the morning/afternoon.  I ate normally.  Then we all left the house at 2:30 to get to church.  I had to get the food ready for Bryan to feed his cast that evening.  When the food was ready we went to Mass.  After Mass it was time to fee the cast and crew (and myself of course) and get ready for the play.  Although I played a part in preparing the meal, the main course was not my choice.  Pizza was delivered.  I knew this ahead of time so when we stopped at the store on the way there for me to get the ingredients for punch I was sure to get some fruits and veggies to help my cause.  I tracked every bite when I got home that night and was happy with the results.  I actually didn't even use all of the points for the day.  I was completely exhausted though so as soon as Samuel was in bed I crashed.  I didn't need to eat my last 6 points.

Sunday started normal too but normal is busy.  I work in the nursery in my church on Sunday mornings. (Have you gotten the idea that we spend a lot of time at church?) Bryan has work to do so he left at 6am.  That left me to get the 5 kids up and ready to leave by 7:45am.....and we're off.  We worked in the nursery until noon. As my kids and I were packing up to leave the nursery Bryan came up and said, "Let's go get some lunch." I had just planned on eating leftovers that we had left in the church refrigerator.  His response was, "I just need to get out of this building for an hour."  I agreed wholeheartedly.  We love our church but we had spent a lot of time there and knew that we would be back a lot.

We only had a little over an hour before we had to be back.  Bryan asked my opinion for lunch.....Chili's, burger joint or Cracker Barrell??  Hmmmm....Chili's I guess.  Wait!!!! There's Applebee's.  They have a WW menu.  Can we go there?  Bryan was happy to accommodate.  Whew!  I could just choose a WW labeled meal and it would be easy.  It was easy.........except for those fries I took off of my son's plate.  What!?!  He said he was full.  Not a good choice.  When I got back to church I took out my laptop and tracked my lunch.  It was a lot but I still had 7 points left for the day.  I can do this.

It was a wonderful day. We got home around 6.  Bryan took care of making dinner.  I ate my fruit and planned on only eating one chicken sausage and bun.  That should work.  It would have worked just perfectly but they were so good that I helped myself to a second.  Then the kids were having dessert and I decided to join them.  It was time to wind down from a busy but wonderful weekend I had apparently decided that the way to wind down was to eat.  After the kids and Bryan went to bed I even pulled out the chips.  Hey, they were baked so how bad could they be?!  I went to bed feeling full.  I never like going to bed feeling full. It doesn't usually mean I will have a good night's sleep.  What did I do?!  Why did I do it?

Here's the sad truth.  I'm going to come clean and tell you that I went over my Weekly points by 51.  That's not good.  That's terrible.  What can I do about it now though?  I can forgive myself and move on.  I can realize that it's over and I don't have to continue that behavior for the rest of the week.  I can learn from my mistakes.

It's a new day. It will be another busy one.  It's a pretty normal Monday except that we have our last performance tonight.  That will mean another late night.  I will not let this night get like last night.  I will make good choices.  I may not lose weight this week. I may gain.  I may stay the same.  That's a slight disappointment after having a 2.6 loss last week and 2.2 the week before.  I wont let it derail me though.  I'll let you know how it goes.

If you are free tonight and would like to come see a beautiful presentation.  My family will be at our last performance at 7pm at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Menomonee Falls.

Have a great day!


"It is better to forgive and love one another than to always be right, for 'knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." -Corinthians 8:1


  1. Dear Corinna,
    Thanks again for your blogs. I only too well understand that experience. Like you, I do not like that 'full' feeling especially when I lay down at night. And just as you did, I have reclined there asking myself "Why did I do it? What makes me want to do it?"
    But... forgiving ourselves and regaining focus is key, isn't it? I am reflecting on the message at church this past Sunday that kept asking us: "Do you really know how much God loves you?"
    I want to remember this question when I have fallen short. I want to remember this question when I am tending to think I deserve self-punishment. I want to remember this question and keep trying to do the best I can ... because I want to love God back for all the love He gives us.
    I hope you don't mind if my comments back to your blogs can be one of my strategies that helps me re-focus, too.
    Thanks again and Best to you, Carol

  2. Thanks for commenting Carol. I love to read the comments posted on the blogs. I think it's a great tool for your own accountability as well as a tool for others to learn about how we all do it differently.



Thanks for commenting. I love to read the comments and I know that everyone else does too. They help everyone who reads this blog.