Saturday, May 26, 2012

Thanks Mom!

I went to my WW meeting this morning.  I don't usually go on Saturday mornings, but I've been having a hard time fitting a WW meeting into my schedule.  It's a sad excuse because I live 5 minutes away from Mayfair where there are about 15 meetings offered each week.  I'm sure I could make it more often than I pretend.  My schedule has been full and I feel like I am always behind on life....dishes, laundry, homeschool, cleaning, gardening, lawn care, volunteer work.....everything.  I feel like taking the extra time to go to a WW meeting will just be one more thing to stress me out and put me more behind so I've been avoiding them.

For the past 2 weeks my mom has been calling me and asking me every day, "Did you go to a meeting today?"  Each day, I list my excuses and say, "Don't worry, I'll get to one."  She is very careful and gentle about it.  On Wednesday I realized what she was doing.  She was so careful and gently about it that it took me a week and half to see that she was trying to get me to a meeting because she knew that's what I needed.  I promised her on Wednesday that I would get to one by the end of the week.

Yesterday, I took my kids to Country Springs Waterpark.  They had some gift certificates they had been wanting to use since Christmas and I finally agreed to go.  Before we went we rushed out of the house because I was determined to go to my WW meeting on the way there.  The kids each brought a book to read while I would sit in my meeting.  We got there and the door was locked.  The meeting started at 10 when I thought it started at 9.  I stood there for a few minutes trying to put it all together.  How could I still get to a meeting this week? Oh, well.  We went to Country Springs, I got into my bathing suit (it still scares me to do that) and we had a great time.

This morning Samuel got up at 4am.  I tried to get him to go back to sleep but after 2 hours, I gave up and got in the shower.  There was a WW meeting at Mayfair at 7am so I figured since I was up, I should go.  I got ready, grabbed Sammy and out we went.  I even weighed in.  I had told my mom on Wednesday that I would go but I couldn't promise weighing in.  I stayed exactly the same as I was 2 weeks ago when I last attended a meeting.  That's an accomplishment.  I had some up and down struggles that past 2 weeks.  I got things together this week.  Every day since this past Monday I have been tracking and sticking to my Points so staying even meant that I had lost the weight that I am sure I gained last weekend.  It was a meeting about spicing up your food so you don't get bored and go off plan.  It was a decent meeting.  I work pretty hard to try keeping things exciting in the food department but it can be hard. It's so much easier to eat the same stuff over and over.  I heard lots of ideas about using spices so maybe I'll think about that more.

The point is that I am really glad I went.  It was a way to renew my commitment to taking care of myself.  Taking care of me has become a thing of the past these days.  Everyone else's needs and wants seem to come first.  I run around from ball game to choir practice to dance rehearsal to make sure everyone else gets what they need and have very little time to think about my own  needs.  I went to that meeting today to take care of my needs.  I'm glad I did.  Thanks Mom!


"The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul." -3 John 1:1-2

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