Thursday, September 27, 2012

Eating out is tricky if you are trying to be healthy

Image from Janusz Hylinski

Last night we used a certificate we had to take the kids out for dinner after football and dance practice.  It was a nice restaurant called Cafe Manna in Brookfield. We had never been there before.  It is a vegetarian restaurant.  Although I cook vegetarian from time to time, it's not a lifestyle for my family so that was a bit different for us.  It's funny how us non-vegetarians often think that vegetarian food must be really healthy.  Much of the menu seemed pretty healthy but not everything was going to be low in points.

I tried to order something that I would enjoy and would be fairly low in points at the same time.  I ordered the Savory Sandwich.  It was a marinated Portobello mushroom and grilled eggplant topped with roasted bell peppers, balsamic caramelized onions, an herbed feta & goat cheese blend and house made pesto on tasted rosemary olive bread.  It was also served with a side salad.  It was quite tasty.  I shared my bread with Sammy so I could cut the carb count.  I tracked the meal when I got home to the best of my ability by punching each ingredient into my online tracker.  I added a few teaspoons of olive oil assuming that they used oil for cooking.  The meal came out to an estimated 18 points!

I have to admit that when I got home and calculated it all I was a bit shocked by the total.  It's so tricky to find something filling, yummy and points friendly.  I know I could have just ordered a salad but I just wasn't in the salad mood and even when ordering a salad you need to be careful because it adds up in a hurry too.  I wanted something that was a bit different that would satisfy me both mentally and physically.  Wow, it sounds like I want the world out of my food, doesn't it!?  Maybe I need rethink that a little........just a little though. I think there is something to be said for leaving the table feeling like you just enjoyed your meal.  I know that I wont stick to my plans if I leave the table feeling like I wish I could eat more or differently.  If I wish that too often, that wish will turn into a plan.

The meal that I ate last night was a few too many points for my liking but at least the food was good and I felt satisfied by my experience.  It will be better in the long run because I am not on a diet for a season. I am working out my lifestyle change every day of my life.

Have a great day,

"At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, 'Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' He called a child, whom he put among them, and said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.'" -Matthew 18: 1-5

1 comment:

  1. Vegetarian does not equal no calories. You still have to count points and oil and dairy are very fattening. There is no easy way to lose weight. That said a vegetarian diet is high on fiber and vitamins and if you eat plain vegetables with lemon juice or vinegar they are zero points. I have been experimenting with a vegan diet but I still have to track every bite to lose weight. I miss you as a meeting leader. I hope you come back someday when your kids are older. Deb Dreyfus


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