Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Part 2: What can you do to make weight loss easier?

What else can make my and your weight loss easier?  One very simple idea......more movement.

It is a fact that if we burn more calories than we take in, we will lose weight.  When I was working for WW I burned more calories.  I was busy running from meeting to meeting, setting up rooms, moving around rather large meeting rooms, etc.  I don't have that anymore.  Now, I am in my little 3-bedroom ranch with 6 other people.  There is not a whole lot of room to move.  Soooooooooooooooooooo, what am I going to do about it?  Move more!  It's a simple concept, I know but not as easy to put into practice.  Here are some practical ways that I am concentrating on to get more movement and burn more calories:

1. Run my own errands.  I have 4 kids that are old enough to run errands for me around the house and yard. Every time I send one of my kids downstairs to get something for me, I am missing out on more steps in my day.  Sometimes I need to have my kids help because it's impossible for me to home school 4 kids, take care of a toddler and keep everything else in my life together by myself.  I need help.  The kids must help.  This said, I know that I send them to get things way too often.  I am going to make a concerted effort get off my duff and do it myself.

2. Exercise at least 4 days per week.  I have been averaging 3-4 days per week of exercise for the past several weeks now.  It's time to be sure that I get at least 4 days per week.  There will be no more 3 days of exercise weeks in my calendar.  Speaking of the calendar.  I'm going to highlight the days of the week that I exercise so I am sure to get in my 4 days.  It's amazing how easily the week slips by if I don't keep track of my days.  This exercise I am talking about it extra exercise that I don't get in normal daily activity.  I realize that as a mother of 5 I get lots of normal movement each day but I obviously need more so I need to exercise 4 mornings per week.

3. When I do my arm exercises in the morning I need to stand up.  I have gotten in the great habit over the past few months of lifting weights on my exercise mornings.  The only problem is that I do these exercises sitting down.  I have recently learned in my WW meetings that standing alone burns more calories than sitting.  That makes perfect sense.  This morning I did my arm exercises standing instead.  It also sped up the process.  I was less tempted to sit an do nothing in between sets.

4. Make time with my family an activity. Sometimes this is easy for us.  We love to hike. We like to find new and old parks and trails to go hiking.  It's great family time and great exercise.  It's a much better activity than sitting in front of the TV together.  Finding good family activities is easy for us on the weekends.  If we have time we will go on one hike per weekend.  During the week it's more of a challenge.  After a long day, it's hard for us to get up and be active.  We would much rather sit in the living room and watch TV before bed. I am going to make more family time outside by going on more hikes, walking around the neighborhood, going the park or playing with the kids in the yard.

5. Stay up and active while waiting for the kids.  My kids are very active.  Now that fall is coming our calendar is full of activities.  While Jason is at football practice I need to get out of my car and play on the playground with the kids.  While Gabriella and Josiah are at dance I need to go shopping or go walk the mall (just a mile away) instead of sitting in the waiting room.  There is even a basketball hoop in the parking lot.  I need to keep a basketball in the car so when we have 10 minutes to sit before class ends we can shoot some hoops.

6. Stay off of the computer.  I love checking my email and goofing around on the computer. The problem is that computer time is sitting time.  I need to check my email twice a day, check my blog once a day and do my other computer things only once a day.  For the rest of the day, I need to stay off of the computer.  It sucks time away from my life as well as adds a few fat cells.  I will keep my email up on my computer so I can check it standing up when I need to.  It's a lot less tempting to stay on the computer when I am standing by it instead of sitting.

I would love to hear more tips from all of you about how you move more each day.  I could certainly use some more ideas.  I know there is more I can do if I just think a little harder or have some of you recommending things.  Feel free to comment and add suggestions for all to read.

Have a great day.  More ways to make weight loss easier next blog.


"Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him." -Proverbs 30:5

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