Thursday, September 13, 2012

It takes time to lose weight

If I were to ask everyone what 3 things they would like more of to help them lose weight I am sure that every person would name "time" as one of their 3 things.

I haven't blogged for a few days.  Why? I just don't have the time.  In fact, blogging right now is something that is not really on the schedule for my morning but I miss it and feel obligated to all of you also.  If only I had more time.

It has been a busy week in my house. We are in our first full week of school since last week was a 4-day school week.  We are feeling the pressure again to get it all done.  We also started gym class and dance classes this week.  Wow, what an adjustment!  As you know, I home school my children so you would think that we would be home often.  Many days it feels more like minivan schooling than home schooling.  Monday we left the house at 9am and didn't return until 7pm.  We had so many activities on the calendar that it was a struggle to fit anything in.  I haven't been able to catch up since.  The dishes are covering both sinks and the ironing pile is covering half of my couch.  I am participating in a Children's Resale this weekend so I have been sorting through the kids' clothes to see what they need for fall, what to pack up for next year and what I should sell because no one needs it.  Therefore, there are boxes, bins and bags of clothes in nearly every open space of my living room.

Getting all of the school work done has been a chore this week too.  With all of the extra activities we have learned that we may need to do a little school work on the weekends to keep up this year.  When my kids looked at me yesterday with stress on their little faces I told them not to worry about it.  I told them that we would get as much done as we could and then start with a clean slate tomorrow.  We are using this week as a learning point for this year's schooling.  After I spent 5 minutes explaining what it means to start with a "clean slate" we moved on with happier faces and more pep in our step.  When I took some of the pressure off of them they worked harder and faster than they had all day.  It's amazing how our attitude can lighten our load.  I can tell that even my children would like more time in their lives.

It takes time for everything in our lives, including weight loss.  It takes time to plan healthy foods, go grocery shopping, look up the points, track the points, exercise, cook, prepare snacks and meals, etc.  I know I could go on and on with this list but it will take too much time;)  I had to purposely take a little time out of my morning to write this blog but I did it because it is important to me.  The same way I had to do that, I have had to take time out of my busy life this week to be sure that I am staying on track. I could have easily thrown it all out the window on Monday and say that I didn't have time to worry about weight loss with gym classes, doctor's appointments, mowing other people's lawns (my 13-year old's first job!), football practices and dance lessons.  I could have saved time by going through the drive through for all of our meals but I took the effort to go to the grocery store where I knew we would have healthier choices.

When I look back at it all, I'm glad I've taken the time to track this week too.  I would have easily lost track of what I had eaten without my tracking.  I would have easily eaten too much.  All in all, I think that taking the few minutes here and there to take care of myself has actually given me more time.  It has given me better energy to get it all done which will give me more time because it wont take me as long to do something when I am moving at the pace of a slug.  It has also given me time to think about what is really important in my life. I have to remember to stop the madness for a moment and focus on the important stuff in my life.  My family, myself, my God and our health are important to us.  When I am surrounded by constant "busy-ness" it's important to remember what I really need to take time for.  It's given me more time with my family both now and in the end.  If I take better care of myself now I will live more years with my children and husband.

Thank you for taking the time to read this today. I hope you are glad you did.  Use your time wisely today and remember what is important to you!


"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." -Ephesians 5:15-17

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