Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sticking to my healthy diet.....even on the weekends!

It's Saturday.  It's the beginning of the weekend for me.  Sometimes Friday night can be considered the beginning of the weekend but since I weigh-in on Saturday I rarely splurge on Friday night.  That doesn't mean that I don't eat on Friday nights.  In fact, last night we had pizza pockets made by my son, Jason.  He is taking a Food Dynamics class in his virtual school so he had to make a certain recipe.  I bought the ingredients. The recipe called for pita pockets. I got whole wheat ones.  It also called for ground beef.  I got 95% lean ground beef.  It called for mozzarella cheese. I got reduced-fat.  I enjoyed my pizza pockets (yes, I had 2!) and was still able to stick to my allotted points for the day.

I gained weight this morning at my weigh-in.  I knew I would and it wasn't due to the pizza pockets.  It was due to last weekend's splurges that spilled into Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Thankfully, I got my act together by Thursday and Friday and stayed active this week so I only saw a gain of .6.  It would have been much worse if I hadn't reigned it in.  Having this rough week has been making me re-evaluate my current weekend strategy.  I say "current" weekend strategy because it changes every so often.  As of late, my strategy has been to enjoy my weekends with food. I eat when I want, what I want and how much I want.  I feel as though I deserve it and I'm tired of counting so I give myself a break from counting on Saturday and Sunday.

The problem with this strategy is that I have successfully gained weight the last 2 weeks.  If you add both gains up it adds up to less than a pound but creeping up less than a pound at a time is how I can gain back 64 pounds.  I don't want to gain back 64 pounds!  I don't want to gain back even 4 pounds so it's time to take stock in my procedures and make some changes.  I've learned from my past and don't want to repeat my mistakes.  For example, this summer I gained just a little bit here and there and before I even realized it I had gained back 5 pounds.  After realizing this in July, it took me the rest of the summer to lose that 5 pounds again.  My time and efforts are too valuable to get too relaxed. I'm worth more to myself, my God and my family.

So today I will tell you that I am going back to an old strategy that worked well for me in the past.  I could go into the reasons that I stopped this strategy back when I was executing it well but I'll save that for another day.  My "new" strategy is to break up my Weekly Allowance PointsPlus values into the entire week.  I will not use all of them in one weekend or one day.  I will track everything I eat so that my weekends don't overshadow my entire week.  It's amazing to me how "in tune" Weight Watchers can be to what their members are going through at certain times of the year.  I've been thinking about how I handle weekends all week and then when this week's meeting started I realized that it was about all of the things that I have been thinking about this past week. This week's topic was "Weekend Warriors."  This just confirmed my need for a change.

I can do this.  I've done it successfully before and I'll do it successfully again.  I will track every morsel this weekend.  Will I be perfect?  I don't know, but I'll keep you posted.  If I can eat 2 pizza pockets on Friday night and still stick to my daily plan then there is no reason that I can't eat healthy on the rest of my weekend.  I just need to set my mind to it and make the right choices.

Until tomorrow,

"From no one, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view, even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way. So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation;" -2 Corinthians 5:16-18

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