Monday, October 8, 2012

Busy Monday. Where is the time to get control?


It's been a busy morning.  I know, it's Monday, we've all had busy mornings.

It was an exhausting weekend so as soon as the kids were in bed last night I crawled in bed too.  I know the dishes and laundry really needed tended to but so did my body. I needed rest.  I slept as well as I do most nights (good sleep isn't one of my best qualities). I would have expected that by this morning I would be full of energy and ready to conquer a new week.  I dragged myself out of bed just feeling almost as sleepy as I did when I crawled in last night.  No matter, it was time to start a new day......a Monday......a Gym Class Monday.

Gym Class Mondays are busy Mondays in our house.  That means that we need to get the morning done and be out of the house to go to gym class.  Since I was too tired to stay up last night to tackle the dishes and the laundry, children were looking for gym pants and socks this morning.  That meant that I had to switch loads twice this morning and laundry baskets of clean clothes were being dumped on the couch for perusal by children that were half dressed.  (Don't I sound organized?) That also meant that everyone needed to pack what they are bringing to class: balls, jump ropes, books to read and games to play while someone else is in class and they are waiting their turn.  It's quite the process.  We drive 30 minutes to class and stay there all morning.  We don't get home until almost 1 o'clock.

As I was making the mad dash towards the door I stopped to think of anything I had forgotten.  I also bring things to do in case Sammy stops running in circles long enough for me to read, cut coupons or work on the computer.  I wait in a classroom with all of the other home school parents and their children that are not currently in class.  There are 2 separate classes at 2 separate times.  I paused at the front door long enough for my daughter to come back in and look at me quite puzzled.  "Is there something I can help you with mom?"  She could see by the look in my eyes that there was something on my mind.  The kids were all in the car and they had successfully packed all of the things we bring along to class with us.  Gabriella was graciously coming back in to see if Mom needed any more help.

"I just realized that I forgot to eat breakfast and I am really hungry," I responded.  She laughed at me.  I handed a couple of books to her that were in my hand and told her that I would be right out.  I went to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal and milk and headed out the door.  I got into the car and ate a few bites of cereal at every stop until my cereal had been eaten.

While at gym class we broke open the Teddy Grahams we had brought for a snack.  Three hours is along time for kids to go without a snack, especially a toddler.  I ate some of the crackers I brought for the kids to eat.  When we got home everyone was famished.  It was now 12:45 and the kids were begging for lunch.  I was hungry too.  I perused the cupboards for something to make for lunch.  The kids had already made requests.  I found cookies!  I took them out.  "Just one cookie to take the edge off," I thought. "Well, maybe a serving - 3 cookies."  I set them on the table and told the kids they could each have a serving too. Somehow it makes me feel better if someone is eating them with me.

I got lunch on the table for the kids and then contemplated what I was going to make for myself for lunch.  "Well, what have I had so far today?  I had better track it." I headed for the computer and started tracking my food: 2 bananas (I have them almost every morning after I get up), 1 cup raisin bran, 1 cup fat free milk, 3 cookies, 10 Teddy Grahams. After tracking that wonderful carbohydrate filled day of food I realized that I needed to change my day of eating right here and right now.  I had eaten about 75% of my food intake because of my poor choices.  Now, I'm hungry and don't have many points left to eat with.

It's never too late to gain control of your eating though.  Yes, I will be eating lots of fruits and veggies the rest of the day to be able to satisfy my hunger with few points but it is possible.  My day has also been void of lean protein. It's almost 2:30 and I haven't even had lunch yet.  I felt it was more important to feed my kids, track my day and write this blog. I'm going to go make the breakfast I should have eaten this morning and now eat it for lunch.  It will be high in protein and vegetables.  It will be filling and it will be yummy.  I'm thinking a scrambled egg, sauteed mushrooms and onions topped with a string cheese.  Sound good!

Have a great day and remember that it's never too late to gain control of your day.


"God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruits; you shall have them for food." -Genesis 1:29

1 comment:

  1. What a crazy day, Corinna! Raising and educating kids is quite the job! Comment on your sleeping challenges - I've found that since I've really cut down on carbs and sugar ever since I started my new weight loss program, I sleep SO much better. In fact, in the last month I've only had one night when I woke up and had trouble getting back to sleep. I'm also feeling more energetic and so far have not had to bring my "happy light" to the breakfast table to combat "SAD". Diet really does matter! Lois W.


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