Monday, October 29, 2012

I guess it's time to address exercise

Thank you Ambrozio for use of the picture.

I'm not sure how to begin this blog.  I can tell you my exercise excuses.  I can tell you my current exercise level.  I can tell you my past exercise level.  It would take way too long to tell you all of it.  My excuses list alone could be the length of 2 blogs and Bryan says my blogs are too long as it is.  So I guess I'll do my best to get to the point.

I haven't been exercising.  There, I said it.  That's really the point here but it was hard to admit.  I don't want to admit the truth to a group of people who have told me that I help inspire them.  How inspiring is it to admit that I haven't purposely exercised in probably 2 months?  I'm pretty sure none of you are inspired to go exercise right now due to my admission.  I say "purposely exercised" because as a homeschooling  mother of 5 children, including one toddler, I move every moment of the day except when I am sitting at this computer or when Sammy stops moving for 10 seconds and lets me cuddle with him.  (Ten seconds is all I get, he's a very busy one-year-old.)  I can't even sit at this computer for an entire blog without being needed at some point.  I've been up 3 times already for household needs!  The problem is that the moving I do all day is not enough exercise for me.

If you have been following my blog since it's inception you have read my blogs about exercise before.  You will find many of them if you look for them.  There have been times in my journey when I have been on fire for exercise. I have told you of methods, CD's, plans and successes.  I am just as filled with times of failures when it comes to exercise too.  I don't love exercise.  I don't look forward to it when I wake up in the morning.  I don't like finding time for it.  It is always the last thing on my to-do list.  I think of everything else in my life as more important to get done.

It drives my crazy when the sink is full of dirty dishes.  I can't stand it when the living room is full of clean laundry to be ironed and folded.  Those are 2 things that bug me every day and if they aren't done I figure there is no way I should be taking time to exercise. I am a very logical person but unfortunately, that logic seems faulty at the moment.  If I never exercise unless the dishes and laundry and done then I will never exercise.  This is a problem.  My body needs exercise.  I lose weight when I exercise.  I've seen it.  My body has proved it me time and time again.  I maintain my weight loss better when I am exercising also.  I can eat more when I have burned calories exercising which helps me maintain better eating habits in the long run.  I feel better physically.  My body doesn't jiggle when I walk when I am maintaining a level of exercise in my life.  When I list all of these benefits I don't know why I keep giving it up, but I do.

I exercised this morning.  I'm not excited about it.  I don't feel amazing. I don't feel like I could conquer the world.  I am proud of myself though.  It's something I need to do.  I wont crave it tomorrow but I will do it because I need to.  I have to stop ignoring it.  My kids often tell me that they don't want to do something that they are told to do.  My response is always the same, "Do it anyway.  Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do."  I guess I should start listening to myself.

Until tomorrow (after exercising),

"Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. Athletes exercise self-control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable one. So I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though beating the air; but I punish my body and enslave it, so that after proclaiming to others I myself should not be disqualified." -1 Corinthians 9:24-27

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