Tuesday, October 30, 2012

So, are you motivated?

I have been on this journey for many years. In those years I have found myself motivated for moments, hours, days or weeks. On a rare occasion I may have even been motivated for months.  My motivation comes and goes, ebbs and flows.  I know that now. I didn't know that when I first started on my journey.  I thought that once my motivation was gone, that all was lost.  That is far from true.

My healthy lifestyle has been easy for me that past few days because I am motivated right now.  I am feeling the motivation in my day.  I have had some very busy and stressful days but my motivation has not weaned through that stress.  I have been able to say no to the cupcakes sitting on the counter that Gabriella and I baked on Sunday.  I have actually been able to walk right by them several times per day, even while hungry.  That is proof that I am in a time of motivation.

I know you know what I am talking about.  You have had this motivation too. If you are not feeling motivated right now, you may not remember a time that you were but I know you have been there.  You know, it was the time when you were offered those chocolate chip cookies 3 times and said no each time with a smile on your face because you had just started your "diet" and was determined that you were never eating chocolate again.  Now it's coming back to you, right.

Motivation is a complex feeling.  We yearn for it to spurn us on to our next goal.  We expect it to do the work for us and then stay forever.  Unfortunately, it rarely stays forever.  We eventually have to lead our healthy lifestyle without our friend, Motivation.

I look at my 16 month old Samuel.  He is constantly motivated. He is motivated to take out every toy in the living room and then walk away.  He is motivated to cry until someone comes to get him.  He is motivated to get that game piece that everyone keeps telling him he can't have.  I need to look at his motivation and glean from it.

Thankfully, today I had Motivation with me all day.  I exercised this morning. I ate right all day.  I stopped eating when I was out of my budget for the day even though I wanted more food.   I turned to my to-do list instead of food when I was overwhelmed by the projects I needed to accomplish. Motivation kept me in line.  I'm hoping Motivation stays around for a long while.  When it leaves I'll have to move on to my next friend...Habits.

Stay motivated,

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do with your might; for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going." -Ecclesiastes 9: 10

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