Friday, October 5, 2012

Those night-time cravings

Picture by J-Stuart

It's a beautiful, fall morning. I feel good.  One of the reasons I feel good is because I didn't give in to my night-time cravings last night. Some night's are worse than others.  Last night the Chocolate Cheerios were calling to me from the top of the fridge.  I told them to quiet down every time I walked by them.  Then I drank some water and got out of the kitchen.

Wednesday night I was craving ice cream.  It was a busy day and we didn't get home from running kids around until after 7pm.  Everyone was hungry.  When I approached the front door it opened.  Bryan was standing there with a pint of ice cream in his hand.  I just laughed as I entered.  He chuckled, sat down and continued eating his ice cream.  I went for the kitchen.  I immediately started heating up the oven for the Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets from the freezer.  It wasn't the healthiest dinner but it was quick and easy.  That is what they were there for. While they cooked I took the salad spinner out of the refrigerator.  I had a nice salad all ready for me.  I was thinking about it on the way home.  I added some imitation crab and shredded cheese to make it yummier. I sat at the kitchen table and ate my salad.

When they were ready I served the chicken nuggets to my kids and started making the tater tots.  I ate a few chicken nuggets but I tracked them and still had room for them in my day.  After the chicken and tater tots were gone I was done with my food allotment for the day but I was still having a craving.  I was craving that ice cream that Bryan long finished.  We live just a half of a mile from a Sentry grocery store.  It's very handy for those time when I realize I just need one more thing for a meal.  It's also handy when having those cravings.  It's not unlike us to run out to Sentry to get some dessert (usually ice cream).  That's just what I wanted to do.  Bryan would chuckle at me but would let me do it since he just ate some himself.  The kids would cheer and I would be the hero who brought home dessert.  I was so close to giving in but I didn't.  I put the kids to bed and drank some water.  After I set my mind to ignoring my craving it slowly went away and the further I got from the moment I almost left for Sentry, the better I felt about my self-control.

Night-time cravings are tricky.  I've struggled with them for years.  I grew up in a house where we ate late at night.  Bryan and I have always ate late at night too.  It's a habit that I have had to work very hard to stop.  It creeps back in every once in a while. I'm glad to say that I have been fighting it rather successfully lately.  I need to be very aware of it or it comes back without me knowing it.

Have a great day everyone......or should I say night.


"My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful lips when I think of you on my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." -Psalm 63:5-8

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