Monday, October 15, 2012

Decisions, decisions....

I'm sorry it's been a few days since I've posted.  It's been busy around here.  I've got a new project I've been working on that's taking some of my computer time from me.  I am excited to tell you about it soon.  And when I did have a free moment this weekend, frankly I needed a break from reality.  I watched movies with my family on Sunday.  That's something that I don't remember that last time we did. It's been a long time that all 7 of us were in the house with nothing pressing to do all at the same time.  It was refreshing.  The housework took a back seat to some nice family time.

Last week was as busy of a week as we have around here.  Between the many activities my kids are involved in to the many activities Bryan and I are involved in and home schooling on top of it all, we were busy every weekday.  Even with the busy life, I was able to keep my eating in check.  I tracked every day (Monday through Friday that is) and stuck to my daily budget.  I was quite proud of myself.  I felt great. My clothes felt good.  This was the kind of a week that would produce a nice weight loss.  I was looking forward to a great weigh-in on Saturday.  I was really looking forward to breaking a new, low weight record since Sammy was born.  What I forgot to share with you last week was that I lost a pound with my weigh-in on October 6th.  I was a bit surprised.  I wasn't expecting a loss because I had been weighing myself at home that week and the scale had been up so when I weighed in down I was thrilled. That gave me the hope of being on my way to losing those last pesky pounds. That gave me the willpower to stay to my budget all week this past week.  Again, I weighed myself at home on my scale most days.  I was disappointed that I was trying so hard but the scale didn't budge.  I was hoping that the WW scale would see my hard efforts and reward me.  It didn't.  I gained 1.2 pounds.  What was it?  Why did that happen?

As the week progressed and the scale didn't budge in the right direction I got to thinking.  On Thursday I couldn't help but think that maybe I should rethink my current goal.  Maybe I'm just not meant to be back down to that weight.  Afterall, it was a weight that I never intended to get down to anyway.  When I first set my goal with WW it was about 15 pound heavier than that weight anyway.  I was happy with myself when I made that original goal.  Losing more weight was just a little bit more rewarding and it made me feel just a little bit more comfortable.  Maybe after having a fifth baby my body just wasn't going to be the same as it was after baby number 4.  Maybe it's time to come to that realization and be happy with it.

On Friday I kept thinking about this option too.  Was it time for me to call it goal?  Had I given it all I got and that still wasn't good enough?  Afterall, I have been fighting with these last pounds for how many months now with no progress.  Hmmmmmmm.  How many months have I been fighting?  Maybe that will help me come up with an answer. Well, actually I got to about 5 pounds from my final goal several months ago and then relaxed my efforts.  That caused me to do the up, down rollercoaster for a few months before I got things under control and started losing weight again.  Now, I'm losing some of that same weight all over.  That really shouldn't count as months of work towards my goal. I have not been fighting the same 5 pounds for months.  I've been fighting the 5 pounds that I have lost once before.  That doesn't count.  Now, I'm fighting that last 5 pounds and I certainly shouldn't let one week where the scale doesn't go down when I think it should, make a big decision for me.  That would be silly.

We love instant gratification.  If we don't see the results of our efforts now, we are ready to give least I am.  I'm glad I thought this thing through. One week does not make a plateau.  Two weeks doesn't even make a plateau.  I have a lot of fighting left in me.  That's once decision that I am happy to make.

Have a great day.  Never give up.


"I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek to do not my own will but the will of him who sent me." -John 5:30


  1. I wonder about the "stuck" scale, too. I did real well in September and lost 12 pounds - I'm wanting to lose another 10. I'm eating right and really am on track when it comes to carbs/sugar/calories/snacks. But, the scale doesn't really want to budge. I've heard of "set-point" weight - I guess the weight your body thinks you should be - regardless of what the recommended weight lists say!! So, I have to wonder, too, do I simply maintain where I am and be happy with it (being happy with my weight - that would be a first!!!), or keep fighting on???? Lois W

  2. Tough decision Lois. I would keep fighting for a while before deciding. Sometimes the scale sticks for a time and then moves again when we have kept up our good habits. Maybe think about shaking things up a bit or exercising more to see if that helps. Keep me updated. I know how hard you have been working.


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