Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No Motivation? What about Habits?

Yesterday I told you how motivated I am right now.  I am feeling determined.  I am telling myself that I will get these pesky, last pounds off no matter what.  I am still motivated today.  I feel the need to tell you that because I know that at any moment Motivation could decide to move on to someone else's house and I will be left mourning the loss.  It's happened before and it's not pretty.  I'm not a doomsday person at all.  I like to think of the positive but I also believe in being prepared.

Also, if you are not feeling the motivation that I am right now, I want you to feel that you have somewhere to turn.  I want you to turn to your friend, Habits.  Habits is one of those friends that you can find on either shoulder.  You know, sometimes he is wearing the red costume and sometimes he is wearing his halo and wings.  Even though he can be confusing I still consider him a friend. I have helped Habits change his life and he has helped me change mine.  In my life he now spends more time in the halo and wings than with the horns on his head.

My habits have changed drastically in my life.  When I started trying to lose weight I had an uphill battle.  We ate ice cream or frozen custard almost every single day in my house.  That was a habit.  It was a habit that all of us came to know as normal so when I tried to change my life, my entire family was in a bit of shock.  It was not easy but I conquered that habit.  It got to a point where one day Bryan mentioned going out for ice cream and I had to think really hard about that last time that we did that.  It had been weeks.  That was a sign of true progress.  We had made a new habit.  Ice cream was now a treat in our house, not an expectation.  On most days ice cream doesn't enter my mind anymore.  When I notice that we have eaten ice cream more than 2 days in a row I am conscious of it.  I know how easily that bad habit can creep back into my life and I've worked too hard to get here to let that happen.

Portions are another habit that have changed in my life.  I now know what a proper portion is.  I can say that when I learned that a proper portion of meat is 3 ounces and that's about the size of my palm, I was shocked.  I had been eating twice or even three times that amount for years and didn't have any idea.  I also didn't know the difference between 3 and 9 ounces of meat to begin with.  You could have served me a 9 ounce steak and told me it was 3 ounces without be batting an eye.

My life has changed. My habits have changed.  Most of the time I have good habits. I could go on telling you about all of them but then what would I blog about for the rest of the year? When my motivation weans I need to lean on those good habits because I cannot trust that Motivation will always be around.  If I trusted only on Motivation I wouldn't be able to lose all of the weight and I certainly would not be able to keep it off.

If you are not motivated today, look at your habits.  What habits do you have that are good ones?  Lean on them.  Listen to them.  Be conscious of them.  What habits do you have that are bad ones?  Focus on one of them at a time and change them.  There is no one thing that will keep you healthy.  It's a number of things.  These 2 are big ones and used together can be very powerful.

Until tomorrow,

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect." -Romans 12:1-2

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

So, are you motivated?

I have been on this journey for many years. In those years I have found myself motivated for moments, hours, days or weeks. On a rare occasion I may have even been motivated for months.  My motivation comes and goes, ebbs and flows.  I know that now. I didn't know that when I first started on my journey.  I thought that once my motivation was gone, that all was lost.  That is far from true.

My healthy lifestyle has been easy for me that past few days because I am motivated right now.  I am feeling the motivation in my day.  I have had some very busy and stressful days but my motivation has not weaned through that stress.  I have been able to say no to the cupcakes sitting on the counter that Gabriella and I baked on Sunday.  I have actually been able to walk right by them several times per day, even while hungry.  That is proof that I am in a time of motivation.

I know you know what I am talking about.  You have had this motivation too. If you are not feeling motivated right now, you may not remember a time that you were but I know you have been there.  You know, it was the time when you were offered those chocolate chip cookies 3 times and said no each time with a smile on your face because you had just started your "diet" and was determined that you were never eating chocolate again.  Now it's coming back to you, right.

Motivation is a complex feeling.  We yearn for it to spurn us on to our next goal.  We expect it to do the work for us and then stay forever.  Unfortunately, it rarely stays forever.  We eventually have to lead our healthy lifestyle without our friend, Motivation.

I look at my 16 month old Samuel.  He is constantly motivated. He is motivated to take out every toy in the living room and then walk away.  He is motivated to cry until someone comes to get him.  He is motivated to get that game piece that everyone keeps telling him he can't have.  I need to look at his motivation and glean from it.

Thankfully, today I had Motivation with me all day.  I exercised this morning. I ate right all day.  I stopped eating when I was out of my budget for the day even though I wanted more food.   I turned to my to-do list instead of food when I was overwhelmed by the projects I needed to accomplish. Motivation kept me in line.  I'm hoping Motivation stays around for a long while.  When it leaves I'll have to move on to my next friend...Habits.

Stay motivated,

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do with your might; for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going." -Ecclesiastes 9: 10

Monday, October 29, 2012

I guess it's time to address exercise

Thank you Ambrozio for use of the picture.

I'm not sure how to begin this blog.  I can tell you my exercise excuses.  I can tell you my current exercise level.  I can tell you my past exercise level.  It would take way too long to tell you all of it.  My excuses list alone could be the length of 2 blogs and Bryan says my blogs are too long as it is.  So I guess I'll do my best to get to the point.

I haven't been exercising.  There, I said it.  That's really the point here but it was hard to admit.  I don't want to admit the truth to a group of people who have told me that I help inspire them.  How inspiring is it to admit that I haven't purposely exercised in probably 2 months?  I'm pretty sure none of you are inspired to go exercise right now due to my admission.  I say "purposely exercised" because as a homeschooling  mother of 5 children, including one toddler, I move every moment of the day except when I am sitting at this computer or when Sammy stops moving for 10 seconds and lets me cuddle with him.  (Ten seconds is all I get, he's a very busy one-year-old.)  I can't even sit at this computer for an entire blog without being needed at some point.  I've been up 3 times already for household needs!  The problem is that the moving I do all day is not enough exercise for me.

If you have been following my blog since it's inception you have read my blogs about exercise before.  You will find many of them if you look for them.  There have been times in my journey when I have been on fire for exercise. I have told you of methods, CD's, plans and successes.  I am just as filled with times of failures when it comes to exercise too.  I don't love exercise.  I don't look forward to it when I wake up in the morning.  I don't like finding time for it.  It is always the last thing on my to-do list.  I think of everything else in my life as more important to get done.

It drives my crazy when the sink is full of dirty dishes.  I can't stand it when the living room is full of clean laundry to be ironed and folded.  Those are 2 things that bug me every day and if they aren't done I figure there is no way I should be taking time to exercise. I am a very logical person but unfortunately, that logic seems faulty at the moment.  If I never exercise unless the dishes and laundry and done then I will never exercise.  This is a problem.  My body needs exercise.  I lose weight when I exercise.  I've seen it.  My body has proved it me time and time again.  I maintain my weight loss better when I am exercising also.  I can eat more when I have burned calories exercising which helps me maintain better eating habits in the long run.  I feel better physically.  My body doesn't jiggle when I walk when I am maintaining a level of exercise in my life.  When I list all of these benefits I don't know why I keep giving it up, but I do.

I exercised this morning.  I'm not excited about it.  I don't feel amazing. I don't feel like I could conquer the world.  I am proud of myself though.  It's something I need to do.  I wont crave it tomorrow but I will do it because I need to.  I have to stop ignoring it.  My kids often tell me that they don't want to do something that they are told to do.  My response is always the same, "Do it anyway.  Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do."  I guess I should start listening to myself.

Until tomorrow (after exercising),

"Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. Athletes exercise self-control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable one. So I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though beating the air; but I punish my body and enslave it, so that after proclaiming to others I myself should not be disqualified." -1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Friday, October 26, 2012

Trick or Treat

This weekend could pose to be a difficult one for many of us.  It will be challenging for me.  It comes every year but every year I forget about how hard it can be to say no to all of that candy. I was reminded today when a friend of mine called and asked if we wanted to come over and trick or treat with them in their neighborhood tomorrow night.  We have gone to their house several times to trick or treat and thinking about it gave me some flashbacks.  I remembered how they make a pot of chili and we all eat a bowl before going out into the Wisconsin, October cold.  I remembered how last year, the men stayed home to hand out candy with baby Samuel and the women went out with the kids around the neighborhood.  I remembered the kids walking around with their flashlights and having a blast with their friends.  Then, I remembered the scariest part of Trick or Treat.., 4 children coming back to the house with bags full of's enough to make any health-conscious, weight-conscious mom scream with fright!

So, it's time to make a plan.  It's time to think ahead and envision myself handling this situation in a way that I will make me proud.   My plan is to have a little candy.  If I don't let myself have any I will have chocolate and Twizzler cravings for a week and eat everything that has sugar in it trying to satisfy that craving.  I will pick my absolute favorites.  I will have a few pieces, count them, track them and enjoy them.  I will enjoy them by eating them slowly and consciously.  I will not inhale them as I have known to do on occasion.

I have not bought candy to hand out at my house yet.  That is another trick I have for this time of year.  If I buy it early, I will taste test it.  I will buy it on my way home from church on trick or treat day.  I will also buy candy that does not appeal to me.  That way if there are any leftover, they will not tempt me.

This last strategy is something that I just started trying a couple of years ago.  I got it from one of my WW friends.  I used to monitor my kids' trick or treat candy.  I would keep it in the cupboard and dole it out carefully so they did not overdo it.  A couple of years ago I realized that it was a good thing for me to teach them how to control themselves too.  They each keep their own candy stash in their rooms for themselves.  I encourage them to eat it slowly.  I remind them that if they eat it all now, they will have none for later.  I tell them about last year when one kid was still eating candy in a month while the others were jealous because they had already eaten all of theirs.  They listen carefully to my strategies and I believe they learn from them.  I know that some years they learn that too much candy gives them a belly ache but that's a good life lesson too.  I tell them that they are in charge of it, to keep it somewhere that I can't see it and not to let me have any unless I pay for it.  That's right, I tell my kids to charge me money for their candy.  It works.  It's funny to see them tell me that they will give me a candy bar for $1.00.  I'm cheap.  I'm not paying $1.00 for a piece of candy.  It keeps me in check.

So here I go.  I've got myself in the right mindset.  That's half the battle.  Making a plan helps keep me successful.  It always has in many instances, trick or treat included.

Have a great day,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be a healing for your flesh and a refreshment for your body." -Proverbs 3: 5-8

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Choices. We always have to make them.

I often tell my kids when they are pouting about consequences that they chose that consequence by their actions.  I have to admit that it really pulls at my heart strings to see them frustrated or sad because they have to miss something due to their actions.  On Monday, my 2 oldest sons had to miss gym class.  We meet every other week with other home school families for a gym class.  This past Monday I had to leave Jason and Josiah home from class to work on school.  They were behind in their work.  From time to time, I have looked the other way when they are behind and still let them participate in gym.  This week was the last straw.  I couldn't let them go if they were not done with their school work.  I was hoping it would teach them a valuable lesson.  Jason asked me before I left if I could please just give him a little slack.  I couldn't, I told him.  "I have given you too much slack in the past and it hasn't helped you, Jason. It's time that you see the consequences of being behind in your school work."  He was bummed.  He didn't take it out on me though.  When I asked him why he was breathing so hard he said it was because he was mad (he gets his dramatic side from my Bryan).  I asked him who he was mad at and he said himself.  He's 13-years-old.  He knows that his actions bring consequences, both good and bad ones.  He is old enough to know that everything is not Mom's fault anymore.  He is learning to take responsibility for his own actions.  It's all a matter of choices.  When my kids choose not to complete their school work, they in turn choose not to participate in gym class.   It's a hard fact of life.

This concept works for us adults as well.  I make choices and reap the consequences.  Some consequences are positive and some negative.  It all depends on my choices.  I've made some great choices and some poor choices this week.  Some of my great choices included tracking and sticking to my daily budget every day.....until yesterday.  Then the poor choices came into play.  I made a great choice yesterday evening when I was playing taxi cab driver with football practice and dance class.  Jason forgot his water bottle so I let him take mine to football.  Then I drove Gabriella to dance and started getting sweaty and shaky.  I felt like I needed water and food.  I realized that I hadn't eaten enough fruits and veggies or drank enough water. After dropping off Gabriella I stopped at a gas station to get some water and was hoping to find some fruit or veggies.  They had water but as far as food goes, it was nothing but processed food.  I stood there looking at the snacks I had to choose from.  I didn't have many points left in my day so I didn't want to eat anything besides fruits or veggies but it was awfully tempting to  pick up a trail mix, bag of pretzels or chocolate bar. Afterall, the sugar in those snacks would be sure to take the shakes out of me, right?  I made the right choice. I bought my bottle of water and left.  I got in the car and thought about what else I could do.  I remembered a Pick n Save just down the road so I went there.  I took Ethan and Sammy shopping.  We needed some more fruits and veggies at home anyway.  I left the grocery store and ate a couple of bananas.  I was so glad I made that good choice. I felt good about it.

I then went back into taxi cab mode and picked up from football and dance and headed for home to get dinner out.  By the time we got home it was almost 7. I had prepared dinner before we left. I just needed to put it in the oven and finish baking it while I steamed the fresh veggies. I served everyone a proper portion of beef lasagna and veggies. I ate my dinner and started cleaning up.  I then noticed that there were some extra little pieces of lasagna in the pan. They looked lonely and tasty so I scooped them up onto my plate.  They were just little pieces, how many calories could they really be?  I sat down at the table to eat them and noticed that the pile of them on my plate was as big as a second piece.  Oops!  I probably shouldn't have done that.  Oh, well.  I ate it.  It was good! We made fresh pumpkin seeds last night too.  My kids love it when I make them at this time of the year.  I had several.  I went way over my budget for the day.  I made poor choices.

Now, I have to reap the consequences.  I have to be more active today to burn off those extra calories that I consumed.  I may gain weight on the scale this week.  I'm certainly feeling the extra salt in my fingers today.  I felt sluggish last night before bed. I knew I had overdone it.  I have to drink lots of water today to flush out the water I am retaining.

Today I will be faced with more choices.  I need to be conscious of those choices.  I can make them in a hurry with little to no thinking or I can make them in a way that will benefit me.  I am making the choice now to look carefully at my choices today.

Have a great day everyone,


"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it.  For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it." -Matthew 7: 13-14

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My journey.....years of pictures

I promised you a while ago that I would post some pictures of me along my journey. It's not too easy to find pictures of me.  I found enough to bring back some memories.  You will notice that most of them are from my children's baptisms.  That's the one time that I'm not the one behind the camera.

I couldn't find one of me as a child so you'll just have to take my word for it when I tell you that I was not overweight as a child.  I was always conscious of my body and my weight but I was not overweight.  It was not until high school that I became very aware of my weight but was still at a healthy weight for a teenager.  I found pictures of me in high school but if I ever get brave enough to post them, you see them at a later date.  The 80's were......well, the 80's.

This first picture is of me and my 2 brothers.  I was about 20 here.  As you can see I was at a pretty healthy weight at this time in my life.  I'm the one in the middle;)

The picture below was about 5 years later.  By now I had been married 3 years and Jason was one-year-old.  I gained a little weight after I got married and then gained 60 pounds with my pregnancy and only took off about 30 after the pregnancy.  You can see what a change occurred in me in just 5 or 6 years. I'm the one in front on the right.
Three years later (almost to the day) Josiah was born.  I gained another 60 pounds with my pregnancy and took off about 40 afterwards.

Just 18 months later Gabriella was born and I gained 50 pounds with her pregnancy.  I was now heavier than I had every been.  This was the last straw.  That outfit should have been against the law but it was what I could find to fit.
As I told you about yesterday in my blog, it was then that I really decided to change my life.  I had tried here and there in the past but this time I was more determined than ever.  I lost about 40 pounds after Gabriella was born and then became pregnant with Ethan. I actually started Ethan's pregnancy in a better position than I did with Gabriella.  After I had Ethan I had less to lose than after Gabriella.  The picture below is after Ethan's birth.

 After Ethan was born I got back to taking care of myself again. I continued to lose the weight and finally made it to my goal.  It's hard to put a number on the amount of pounds I lost because of the number that I gained and lost so many times but my total weight loss from my highest weight to my final weight was a loss of 65 pounds.  I even reached a loss of 70 pounds from time to time but maintained the 65 pounds better. I kept it off for 3 years.  Then, along came Samuel.  I changed my eating habits during his pregnancy.  I gained only 40 pounds.  This was me after his birth.
My picture diary shows my many ups and downs.  It shows the struggles and triumphs that I faced over the last 20 years with my health and weight.  I'm happy to say that I've learned a lot over the years.  I'm not perfect.  I never will be.  I'll leave that up to God. I've learned that I want to take better care of myself.  No matter how busy I am with life and kids I need to take some time to care about myself too. I have learned to eat less, be more conscious and to take more pictures;)

This is a recent picture of me now.

Have a great day,

" teach shrewdness to the simple, knowledge and prudence to the young - let the wise also hear and gain in learning, and the discerning acquire skill, to understand a proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their riddles." -Proverbs 1:5-6

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Comfort....It's in the wardrobe

Watching my weight has become motivated by comfort.  When I began losing weight years ago it was because I was uncomfortable.  I was uncomfortable in my clothes and even in my skin.  I don't know if I have ever been comfortable in my skin or if I ever will be.  Even as a pre-teen I remember being self-conscious of my body and I wasn't even overweight.

The kicker for me to lose weight was after Gabriella was born.  Gabriella was my 3rd child and I had gained more weight with the pregnancy of each child.  After Gabriella was born I was bigger than I had ever been in my life.  In order to go to her baptism in an outfit that wasn't maternity I had to go shopping and buy a size I had never had to buy.  I could no longer shop in the ladies department.  I had to shop in the "big women's" department and the outfit I bought was atrocious! You can see it in one of my previous posts where I share my before picture.

What's scary is that the outfit you see in that picture was not the true motivator for me to lose weight.  The outfit that inspired me to lose weight was a pair of jean, short, overalls and short-sleeved shirt that Bryan bought me for Mother's Day.  Gabriella was born in early May, just a couple of weeks before Mother's Day.  Bryan has always been brave about buying my clothes for presents when he thinks that they make a good gift.  He buys nice outfits.  He knows my tastes well.  He spent an hour in the store traveling from the baby department to the women's department to find a "matching" outfit that he could buy for me and my first daughter.  It was such a sweet idea.  He enlisted the help of a young lady in Target to help him.  On Mother's Day morning he gave me the outfits with the intent that Gabriella and I would wear them on my special day.  I opened them. I looked carefully at the sizes.  Gabriella's was just the right size.  Mine was a larger size than I had worn before Gabriella's pregnancy so it should fit too.  Bryan put Gabriella in her outfit as I tried mine on.  I remember sitting on my bed crying because it was too tight. I couldn't even get the shorts on.  I know, I know, I had just given birth 2 weeks before but it was depressing that I couldn't fit into this size.  This was the day that I decided that I couldn't and wouldn't continue on in this fashion.  I had to go out for Mother's Day brunch that day in a maternity outfit because that's all that would fit me in my closet.  Bryan comforted me by saying, "Don't worry honey, we'll get you there."  He has always been supportive and tried to help.  That day, though, I realized that although it was nice that he wanted to help, it was my battle to fight and I needed to stop being the victim and do something about it.

It was comfort that got me to the point where I couldn't take it anymore and it's still comfort that pushes me today. Now, I have clothes in my closet that fit me, clothes that only fit me on certain days and clothes that still don't fit.  Today I am wearing a pair of jeans that only fit me on the good weeks.  That's a good sign. I've had a great week starting with the weekend and that great week allows theses jeans to be comfortable today. They are a reminder of why I like taking care of my body.  I still have a pair of pants in my closet that don't fit me after Samuel's birth.  Thankfully, they are capris so I don't have to try them on again until Spring.

Gabriella grew out of her cute little outfit before I could fit into mine, but I kept mine and looked forward to the day that I could wear it.  When that day came I wore the outfit with pride and continued to wear it regularly. I still know exactly what it looked like.  I can picture it perfectly in my head, but I don't have it anymore.  It became way too big;)

Have a great day,

"I desire, then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument; also that the women should dress themselves modestly and decently in suitable clothing, not with their hair braided, or with gold, pearls, or expensive clothes, but with good works, as is proper for women who profess reverence for God." -1 Timothy 2:8-9

Saturday, October 20, 2012

It takes inspiration to climb the mountain

Yesterday I told you about my struggles this week.  It put me in a quandary about what to do this morning.  I was considering not going to WW at all.  I had decided that I would probably see a gain and I wasn't in the mood for gains.  Then again, I could go and just opt out of the weigh-in part today.  You can do that as long as you check in and say you're not weighing.  So my decision maker was going to be my friend Pattie.  If I called her and she was planning on going, I would make every effort to go with her.  She couldn't go to our normal location so she picked a different one.  I agreed to meet her there.  It was a longer drive but I knew the leader and she is a good one. I also felt like I could use a change of pace.  I told my 13-year-old, Jason, yesterday that I was going to my meeting but not weighing in.  He told me that I needed to face the music and weigh in.  He's 13!  What does he know!?  Apparently, quite a bit.  This morning I had the desire to go, weigh-in and face the music.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I gained 1.2 pounds.  I know, gaining is not helping but it could have been much worse.

The leader mentioned that many people in her meetings all week had been saying that is was just an off week.  The motivation just wasn't there.  I seriously blame the weather as I mentioned to you yesterday.  I was motivated and inspired by today's meeting to get a grip.  No more comfort eating.  It's time to be mindful of every bite that graces my lips.

I also told you yesterday that I needed some new motivation and I would let you know what I come up with.  I had 2 reminders of how valuable it is to keep moving forward and keep fighting to be comfortable in my own skin.

The first reminder was last night.  Bryan called home yesterday afternoon and asked if we could go the Admiral's hockey game.  The calendar was clear after Jason's football game.  It was going to make it busy evening but it would be fun to do something as a family.  We are so busy running in so many different directions sometimes that family time is so valuable.  After the game someone called my name from 2 rows behind me.  It was one of my members from my WW Leader days.  When I looked at Sarah, I knew who she was but questioned myself because she looked so different.  We chatted and she told me that she still attends meetings where I was her leader.  When I asked her what he total loss was now, she shrugged and said, "Oh, just 130 pounds."  No, that is not a typo.  She is an amazing, young woman who has lost 130 pounds!  I told her how incredible that is and she mentioned how hard the last 30 has been.  That was the reason for the shrug and "just" in her sentence.  It's amazing how hard we are on ourselves.  She has reached an amazing weight loss and because she has struggled with the last 30 pounds, doesn't feel the total accomplishment, or maybe she was just being modest.  Either way, she is my new inspiration.  If she can lose 130 pounds and still be sticking with the program I can certainly get myself out of my funk and keep losing my last pounds too.  I helped her lose her first 80 or so pounds and am very proud of her because no matter who her leader is, she still keeps plugging away. She showed me some pictures she had on her phone. One was her before picture, one was her one year picture and one was her two year picture.  If you didn't see the pictures together you wouldn't know it was her in each of them.  I may have to get out some pictures of my own to remind me of where I've come.  I will work on this and post them for you soon.

My second reminder was another young lady in the meeting this morning.  These young ladies really seem to have it right these days.   I have never met the one this morning who was given a 90 pound award so I don't know her journey but she looked about as young as my friend last night (who is no more than 24 years old). How incredible it is to me that these young ladies got their weight under control before they had children or before they even entered their 30's.  I'm approaching 40 and want to live my years healthy and vibrant.  I didn't get it under control in my 20's but it's certainly not too late now.  I'm truly inspired by these success stories. They should both be highlighted in WW magazines and the like.  They are an inspiration to me and to many others.

I remember the exhilaration of losing the weight before and I want to feel that again.  Thank you for your inspiration ladies, you have become my motivation.

Find your inspiration.  Find  your motivation.  It will be worth it.


"Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" -Micah 6:7-8

Friday, October 19, 2012

The fall cold is here in Wisconsin

The past week has been filled with normal, fall days in Wisconsin.  I went to the zoo yesterday with my kids and it was gorgeous.  The leaves were beautiful.  It was cold and wet but the colors made it all worth while.

He heat has kicked on in my house a few times this week too. I have it set pretty low so it has only kicked on when it starts getting crazy cold.  The air is getting colder and the fleece blankets are breaking out of hibernation.  The sweaters and sweatshirts are being worn almost every day now.  Fall is a wonderful time and as these things start to happen, it has a nice feeling.  I love living in Wisconsin where we have 4 seasons instead of just one or two.

The tricky part is that every season seems to bring its own challenges too.  When it gets colder, I want to move less. I don't want to get out of bed in the morning.  My nice, warm bed feels good.  Sammy doesn't give me much choice in that one though, so it's easy to overcome.  Morning exercise has almost become non-existent these days in my life.  I have more excuses for that one than just the weather though.  I'll save those excuses for another blog.

Another thing that feels good when the weather gets chilly is food.  I like to hunker down and eat.  Am I the only one?  It has been dreary and wet outside for days now and I am being called to comfort food.......all kinds of comfort food.  When I hear the words comfort food I think mac and cheese, soup, potatoes or pork roast but comfort food comes in all shapes, sizes and flavors. I have to pick my comfort foods from what I have in the house.  They have been granola bars (I have a weakness for a good granola bar), bowls of cereal (I have been a cereal fan all of my life.  My mom still remembers how I used to come home from school and sit in front of the TV with a bowl of cereal as my snack), spaghettios (funny, I envisioned them tasting better when I opened the can. I haven't had them in years.) and ice cream (my all-time favorite food).

I need to get a grip.  I need a good slap. I need to get some new motivation for a new season.  I'll think about what that is going to be and get back to you tomorrow.

I know some of you don't live in Wisconsin where you can see the fall colors.  I hope you are all enjoying the fall no matter where you live.

Until tomorrow,

"Daniel said: 'Blessed be the name of God from age to age, for wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons, deposes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with him." -Daniel 2:20-22

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

To snack or not to snack? That is the question.

My happy, little, snacker, Samuel

This is one of those questions that has been answered by many people, many different ways.  It depends on what time period you ask it in as to what answer you get too.

I remember a time when I thought snacking was bad.  Snacking was not supposed to happen, especially if you were trying to lose weight.  In my previous life as a WW leader I would often hear new members say that they needed to stop snacking.  I would also see them pat themselves on the back because they had a good week or day with no snacking.  Wow, no snacking!  I marvel at someone who can just live on meals alone.  I enjoy snacking.  I'm sure most of us do.  That's why you're reading my blog, right?

Snacking has its purposes.  One of them is pure enjoyment.  It's fun to snack.  Snacks are often thought of as fun foods: chips, cookies, crackers, cheese, etc.  They are the foods that you would often like to have as a meal but it would be completely inappropriate so you eat a proper meal and save the fun stuff for snack time. I think snacking should be done for enjoyment once in a while.  Eating is an enjoyable act for most of us.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying it.  In fact, I highly recommend enjoying it.  When you enjoy the food you eat, you often have to eat less of it.

Another purpose is to satisfy hunger.  Many times we snack because we are just down right hungry.  And we are people who do not like to be hungry.  We treat hunger as if it is a disease and if we let ourselves be hungry we shrivel up.  I love it when I say to Bryan, "What? You haven't eaten today?  You need to eat something.  You must be hungry."  I don't know why I say it because his response is always the same.  He grabs his belly and says, "I've got plenty here.  I'll be fine for a long time with this belly."  To a certain extent, he is right. (No, not about his belly) A little hunger isn't going to hurt us.  We will be fine.  But, playing devil's advocate here, how hungry should we let ourselves get?  Isn't our body telling us we are hungry for a reason?  Shouldn't we satisfy that hunger with a snack?

A third purpose it to put off hunger.  No, this is not the same as above.  In this instance we are not yet hungry and don't want to get hungry so we have a snack for fear that we may be hungry if we don't.  I have found myself doing this on more than one occasion.  I look at the time and realize that I haven't eaten in a couple of hours and tell myself that I had better have a snack or I will find myself really hungry soon.  So what?  What if I become hungry?  Well, one of the things that I have learned from my past is that if I become too hungry, I eat anything and everything I can find when I finally eat.  That can be very dangerous.  That is why I have become such "snacker."

My last purpose to snacking is the purpose I have found myself in lately.  It's something to do.  Isn't that sad?  I used to snack to keep myself from being hungry and eating everything in sight.  I have now moved from that to snacking because it's more fun than doing the dishes or laundry.  I ask myself what I should do now.  If I haven't eaten recently or feel like eating something, I decide that I should eat.  Afterall, snacking is good for me if it keeps me from being too hungry later, right?  I may have taken this to the extreme.  What I find is that I am spending so much of my daily budget on snacks that my meals aren't satisfying enough.  I want more.

I need to snack less.  What has brought this to my attention is my kids.  I am finding that we are always pressed for time and feel too behind in life, too often.  When looking at what we use our time for I am finding that we use way too much of our time for eating and preparing food.  My kids are around me for most of their lives and they are picking up my habits.  Yikes!  Scary!  When I tell them to do their math they ask for a snack.  When I say, "No, do your math." They say, "But Mom, I'm hungry."  I've fallen for that one way too many times.  We are snacking less in our house over the past 2 days.  They are getting more work done as a result and so am I.

Snacking is not bad and certainly has its place.  The key is to find its place and put it there.

Have a great day,

"Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it.  Better is a dinner of vegetables where love is than a fatted ox and hatred with it.  Those who are hot-tempered stir up strife, but those who are slow to anger calm contention." -Proverbs 15: 16-18

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Just how obsessive do we need to be to stay healthy?

Someone posted a comment on one of my blogs last week that brought up a question in my mind. Just how obsessive do we need to be to lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy?  When I ask this question, I picture my youngest brother.  He is someone who I've said is obsessive with being healthy.  He works out.  He's a cop and thinks that it is very important to his profession to be in shape.  I know he also does it for his own well being.  For a while he was doing one of those crazy workout programs that you can buy on TV.......Insanity, I think it was called.

He does research about healthy eating.  He eats organic.  He eats lots of vegetables.  It's not uncommon to go to a party at his house and not have a dessert or have one that's tasty and healthy.  At his last birthday party his friends were talking about their eating habits.  They were teasing that one of them has pizza almost every night and Tim is home cooking himself chicken and couscous.  I find his healthy habits something to admire but his he obsessed?  I don't know.

He is also the one that called me up yesterday to come over and use my oven.  His broke and he had cookie batter that he hadn't gotten to bake.  As he was putting the batter onto the baking sheets he mentioned that the cookies were not at all healthy.  He described how he made the batter.  He said he was testing the cookie recipe to see if it was "Christmas cookie worthy."  Oh boy, were they!  They were incredible.  I don't know how many points they were, but they were absolutely delicious.  I look at my healthy, fit and trim brother and see that he has a balance in his life.  He's not afraid to make a completely fattening cookie once in a while but he doesn't do it every day.  He left half of the cookies at my house.  When I tried to send more home with him he said, "No, I'll have to freeze most of these that I am already taking home so I don't eat them all."   He has no kids to eat them.  He eats them slowly by freezing them and eating them once in a while instead of playing the game that I have often played, "Let see how fast I can get the fattening food out of the house by eating it."  Yes, I know it's a long title for a game.  I'll have to work on renaming it.

It's all about balance.  We don't need to obsessive.  We can still have fattening cookies, once in a while.  I had some yesterday so I will not be indulging today.  I may have a slight gain this week but it was worth it.  Should we track? Yes.  Is is okay to miss a day here and there? Yes.  Should we eat our fruits and veggies?  Yes.  What if we miss a day?  Okay. Every other day?  Probably not the best idea.  Once a week, once a month?  That's probably a healthier balance.  We are human.  We are allowed to act like humans.  The most important part is to remember to be human.  When we make a mistake, forgive and move on.

It's tricky.  I'm not telling you that you need to stop being obsessive because you are allowed to eat fattening and unhealthy. I'm telling you that balance is the key to healthy living.  I'm working on it every day. I don't have perfect balance and I'm sure I never will but I can certainly work at it each and every day. I will enjoy food, exercise and life more if I find my healthy balance.

Have a great balanced day,

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: at time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance; a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing." Ecclesiastes 3:1-5

Monday, October 15, 2012

Decisions, decisions....

I'm sorry it's been a few days since I've posted.  It's been busy around here.  I've got a new project I've been working on that's taking some of my computer time from me.  I am excited to tell you about it soon.  And when I did have a free moment this weekend, frankly I needed a break from reality.  I watched movies with my family on Sunday.  That's something that I don't remember that last time we did. It's been a long time that all 7 of us were in the house with nothing pressing to do all at the same time.  It was refreshing.  The housework took a back seat to some nice family time.

Last week was as busy of a week as we have around here.  Between the many activities my kids are involved in to the many activities Bryan and I are involved in and home schooling on top of it all, we were busy every weekday.  Even with the busy life, I was able to keep my eating in check.  I tracked every day (Monday through Friday that is) and stuck to my daily budget.  I was quite proud of myself.  I felt great. My clothes felt good.  This was the kind of a week that would produce a nice weight loss.  I was looking forward to a great weigh-in on Saturday.  I was really looking forward to breaking a new, low weight record since Sammy was born.  What I forgot to share with you last week was that I lost a pound with my weigh-in on October 6th.  I was a bit surprised.  I wasn't expecting a loss because I had been weighing myself at home that week and the scale had been up so when I weighed in down I was thrilled. That gave me the hope of being on my way to losing those last pesky pounds. That gave me the willpower to stay to my budget all week this past week.  Again, I weighed myself at home on my scale most days.  I was disappointed that I was trying so hard but the scale didn't budge.  I was hoping that the WW scale would see my hard efforts and reward me.  It didn't.  I gained 1.2 pounds.  What was it?  Why did that happen?

As the week progressed and the scale didn't budge in the right direction I got to thinking.  On Thursday I couldn't help but think that maybe I should rethink my current goal.  Maybe I'm just not meant to be back down to that weight.  Afterall, it was a weight that I never intended to get down to anyway.  When I first set my goal with WW it was about 15 pound heavier than that weight anyway.  I was happy with myself when I made that original goal.  Losing more weight was just a little bit more rewarding and it made me feel just a little bit more comfortable.  Maybe after having a fifth baby my body just wasn't going to be the same as it was after baby number 4.  Maybe it's time to come to that realization and be happy with it.

On Friday I kept thinking about this option too.  Was it time for me to call it goal?  Had I given it all I got and that still wasn't good enough?  Afterall, I have been fighting with these last pounds for how many months now with no progress.  Hmmmmmmm.  How many months have I been fighting?  Maybe that will help me come up with an answer. Well, actually I got to about 5 pounds from my final goal several months ago and then relaxed my efforts.  That caused me to do the up, down rollercoaster for a few months before I got things under control and started losing weight again.  Now, I'm losing some of that same weight all over.  That really shouldn't count as months of work towards my goal. I have not been fighting the same 5 pounds for months.  I've been fighting the 5 pounds that I have lost once before.  That doesn't count.  Now, I'm fighting that last 5 pounds and I certainly shouldn't let one week where the scale doesn't go down when I think it should, make a big decision for me.  That would be silly.

We love instant gratification.  If we don't see the results of our efforts now, we are ready to give least I am.  I'm glad I thought this thing through. One week does not make a plateau.  Two weeks doesn't even make a plateau.  I have a lot of fighting left in me.  That's once decision that I am happy to make.

Have a great day.  Never give up.


"I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek to do not my own will but the will of him who sent me." -John 5:30

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Is eating healthy really worth the money?

Yesterday's blog brought out an interesting comment that I would like to address.  I think it would be helpful for all those who read my blog, not just person who wrote the comment.  Part of the comment was, "As a former lifetime member of WW."

"Anonymous", once you are a Lifetime Member of WW, you are always a Lifetime Member of WW.  If you are no longer attending meetings or at your weight goal, you are still a Lifetime Member.  This means that when/if you go back to meetings you do not have to pay the registration fee.  This also means that  when/if you get back to your goal, you do not have to go through 6 weeks of maintenance to be free again.  The day that you get back to 2 pounds within your goal, you are a free member again.  I would encourage you, that if you are a Lifetime Member who is not attending meetings, the first step is to attend a meeting again.  It may be hard to go back and see the weight gain but once you have bit the bullet you will be glad you did.  That is the best way to get under control again.

The other part that is hard to swallow when going back to meetings or joining for the first time is the cost.  In my opinion, it is well worth the cost.  I didn't realize that until after I joined.  I did it on my own for years before biting the bullet and joining. I didn't want to pay for it.  What I found out is that I lost the weight easier and faster while paying for meetings.  Joining gave me the fire under my butt that I needed. I was paying for it so I was going to do it.  I was also hearing tips and tricks that I hadn't thought of on my own.  There is strength in numbers.  I certainly saved money after joining WW too.  I saved enough money to pay for the membership.  We eat less junk food now so we have less junk food to pay for.  We go out to eat less and that is ridiculously expensive for a family of 7.  My portions are smaller so I again have less food to pay for.  If I ate as much as I used to, my grocery bill would be higher.  It's high enough with a 13-year-old and 10-year-old boy in the house.  I didn't have any medications to go off of but I have known many people who were able to go off of medications for heartburn, high-blood pressure, high cholesterol, acid-reflux and diabetes after losing weight.  Most of them were off of the medications before they even reached their weight goals.  Medications are so expensive.  I am sure that when Bryan loses his weight he will be able to go off of his reflux medications and that will save my family money.

The other "budget argument" that I have heard is that it is more expensive to eat healthy.  Sometimes that is true.  Lean beef is more expensive than fatty beef.  But at the same time, a bag of apples is often the same price as a bag of chips.  Which one fills you up more?  Which one lasts longer?  The apples. I really think it evens out.  Some things are more expensive and other things can be the same price or even cheaper.  If your groceries last longer because you are eating less you are making up for the more expensive food.  I am one who is very budget conscience.  We support a family of 7 on an income that may shock many of you.  I check the ads and shop at the cheapest stores that I can. I clip coupons, organize them and keep them in my car so I have them whenever I am shopping.  I enter every store with them and use them for as many items as possible. If another item is cheaper than the item with the coupon I get the other item though.  I don't buy only coupon items.  I feed my family of 7 on a tight budget.

Most importantly, the health benefits and higher energy since I've lost weight has been priceless. I have more energy to keep up with 5 energetic kids.  Don't get me wrong, they tire me out, but I can't imagine how tired I would be with 65 extra pounds on my body!  I am happy knowing that I am not clogging up my arteries with every meal I eat.  I still eat a greasy burger once in a while but it's once in a while.  I will enjoy my family and my life longer because I am taking care of my body better. My dad once told me when he was trying to lose weight that he was not just adding years to his life but quality years to his life.  He wanted to his later years to be lively and healthy and the best way to do that was to lose the weight now.  That made sense to me.  We don't know how long we will live so no matter how long it is, we should take care of ourselves while we are here.

Have a great day and take good care of yourselves today. You are worth it.

"The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul. I was overjoyed when some of the friends arrived and testified to your faithfulness to the truth, namely how you walk in the truth." -3 John 1-3

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The definition of "diet"

I try to avoid using the word "diet".  I don't want people to take my use if it the wrong way so I just don't say it at all.  Sometimes I use it because I just feel like it's the best choice of a word at the time but it still makes me uncomfortable to say.

The dictionary defines diet a few different ways:
1   a : food and drink regularly provided or consumed

b : habitual nourishment
c : the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason
d : a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight <going on a diet>
: something provided or experienced repeatedly <a diet of Broadway shows and nightclubs — Frederick Wyatt>
My problem is that if I use the word diet to mean "food and drink regularly provided or consumed" I don't want people to think that I am on a diet.  Some of you might be saying, "You are on a diet Corinna.  You have told us that you follow Weight Watchers."  Here's the issue.  I don't consider it a diet.
I've lived in a world that is obsessed with diets all my life.  I remember my mom being on many diets while I was growing up and trying some of them myself even though I wasn't really overweight.  Even as a child I remember my friends in grade school talk about being on diets.  Some people are obsessed with trying the newest, latest diet craze.  Although I've never been one to be obsessed with different diets I will admit that I am often tempted to try one that advertises "easy weight loss", "fast weight loss", "weight loss without exercise", weight loss without watching what you eat", "losing 10 pounds in one week"...... I could go on.  The diets all have some catch phrase to get you interested in their diet.
So what's wrong with going on a diet, right?  It helps us lose weight.  It helps us become healthy.  What's wrong with going on a diet is that we think of it as a temporary fix to a permanent problem.  We think that if we lose weight by going on a diet we will be fixed.  Somehow the problem of being overweight disappears in our minds when we think about what we will feel like when the weight is gone because of our latest diet attempt.
What I have come to realize over the last several years of struggling with my weight is that the problem never really goes away.  I was at my goal for over 3 years and the challenge never went away.  I had to continue watching what I ate and how much I exercised every single day.  Even while pregnant with Samuel I had to watch carefully the food that I put in my body. I knew the consequences of gaining 50 or 60 pounds with pregnancy would be having 40 pounds to then lose after pregnancy.  I learned that from my past experiences.
One my weight loss buddies tells me how she talks to people about her weight issue with people who have never had to struggle with their weight.  When they offer he food that she turns down they look at her and tell her that she looks good.  The tell her that she is not overweight so why is she always trying so hard to be careful of what she eats?  She is a Lifetime Member at her WW goal but trying to lose a few more pounds to be comfortable.  She describes it very well.  She tells them that she was overweight and will always struggle with food even though she has lost a lot of weight.  She describes how gaining even 5 pounds back puts her into panic mode because she doesn't want to gain it all back again.  She remember how it felt to be overweight and that has made her careful and diligent in keeping the weight off.  Does she still struggle? Yes.  Does she gain a little weight now and again? Yes.  I think that is a natural part of life.
The difference is that she does not look at what she has done as a diet.  She did at one time though.  That has made the difference in how she lives her life today.  When she originally lost the weight she stopped attending WW meetings and stopped being as diligent with her efforts.  The weight crept back on.  After realizing that she was headed down the wrong road she returned to WW to lose it again.  I'm not sure how many times she did this. I know she has told me that the difference for her is when she realized that this was a lifestyle change that she would have to make for a lifetime.  She stopped making it a diet.  She made it her life.  She attends meetings most weeks now.  She watches what she eats all of the time.  This is not to say that she doesn't slip up from time to time - we all do.  But when she does, she gets back on track.
I am not on a diet.  I am part of lifestyle change. I have changed my lifestyle for good.  This does not mean that I will only eat chicken breast, brown rice and broccoli for the rest of my life.  (Poor broccoli, it always gets thrown under the bus!)  It means that I will eat fewer sweets than I did before.  That was fewer not none. (I love my chocolate and always will.)It means that I will eat smaller portions most of the time.  Every once in a while I am allowed to splurge.  This is the true difference for me.  If I tell myself that I will never eat another piece of chocolate because that is what got me here I will never stick to my "diet."  On the contrary, if I tell myself that I can still have chocolate on occasion (not every meal) then I can stick to my plan, lose the weight and keep it off.
If you are on a diet I will ask you to consider what that means for you.  Can you sustain your "diet" for the rest of your life?  If it is not sustainable then it is a diet and it will be hard for you to maintain your weight loss.  Losing the weight is the first part of the battle. Keeping the weight off is the rest.  Only a lifestyle change will accomplish that.
Have a great day,
"The one who begets a food get trouble; the parent of a food has no joy. A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones." -Proverbs 17:21-22

Monday, October 8, 2012

Busy Monday. Where is the time to get control?


It's been a busy morning.  I know, it's Monday, we've all had busy mornings.

It was an exhausting weekend so as soon as the kids were in bed last night I crawled in bed too.  I know the dishes and laundry really needed tended to but so did my body. I needed rest.  I slept as well as I do most nights (good sleep isn't one of my best qualities). I would have expected that by this morning I would be full of energy and ready to conquer a new week.  I dragged myself out of bed just feeling almost as sleepy as I did when I crawled in last night.  No matter, it was time to start a new day......a Monday......a Gym Class Monday.

Gym Class Mondays are busy Mondays in our house.  That means that we need to get the morning done and be out of the house to go to gym class.  Since I was too tired to stay up last night to tackle the dishes and the laundry, children were looking for gym pants and socks this morning.  That meant that I had to switch loads twice this morning and laundry baskets of clean clothes were being dumped on the couch for perusal by children that were half dressed.  (Don't I sound organized?) That also meant that everyone needed to pack what they are bringing to class: balls, jump ropes, books to read and games to play while someone else is in class and they are waiting their turn.  It's quite the process.  We drive 30 minutes to class and stay there all morning.  We don't get home until almost 1 o'clock.

As I was making the mad dash towards the door I stopped to think of anything I had forgotten.  I also bring things to do in case Sammy stops running in circles long enough for me to read, cut coupons or work on the computer.  I wait in a classroom with all of the other home school parents and their children that are not currently in class.  There are 2 separate classes at 2 separate times.  I paused at the front door long enough for my daughter to come back in and look at me quite puzzled.  "Is there something I can help you with mom?"  She could see by the look in my eyes that there was something on my mind.  The kids were all in the car and they had successfully packed all of the things we bring along to class with us.  Gabriella was graciously coming back in to see if Mom needed any more help.

"I just realized that I forgot to eat breakfast and I am really hungry," I responded.  She laughed at me.  I handed a couple of books to her that were in my hand and told her that I would be right out.  I went to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal and milk and headed out the door.  I got into the car and ate a few bites of cereal at every stop until my cereal had been eaten.

While at gym class we broke open the Teddy Grahams we had brought for a snack.  Three hours is along time for kids to go without a snack, especially a toddler.  I ate some of the crackers I brought for the kids to eat.  When we got home everyone was famished.  It was now 12:45 and the kids were begging for lunch.  I was hungry too.  I perused the cupboards for something to make for lunch.  The kids had already made requests.  I found cookies!  I took them out.  "Just one cookie to take the edge off," I thought. "Well, maybe a serving - 3 cookies."  I set them on the table and told the kids they could each have a serving too. Somehow it makes me feel better if someone is eating them with me.

I got lunch on the table for the kids and then contemplated what I was going to make for myself for lunch.  "Well, what have I had so far today?  I had better track it." I headed for the computer and started tracking my food: 2 bananas (I have them almost every morning after I get up), 1 cup raisin bran, 1 cup fat free milk, 3 cookies, 10 Teddy Grahams. After tracking that wonderful carbohydrate filled day of food I realized that I needed to change my day of eating right here and right now.  I had eaten about 75% of my food intake because of my poor choices.  Now, I'm hungry and don't have many points left to eat with.

It's never too late to gain control of your eating though.  Yes, I will be eating lots of fruits and veggies the rest of the day to be able to satisfy my hunger with few points but it is possible.  My day has also been void of lean protein. It's almost 2:30 and I haven't even had lunch yet.  I felt it was more important to feed my kids, track my day and write this blog. I'm going to go make the breakfast I should have eaten this morning and now eat it for lunch.  It will be high in protein and vegetables.  It will be filling and it will be yummy.  I'm thinking a scrambled egg, sauteed mushrooms and onions topped with a string cheese.  Sound good!

Have a great day and remember that it's never too late to gain control of your day.


"God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruits; you shall have them for food." -Genesis 1:29

Friday, October 5, 2012

Those night-time cravings

Picture by J-Stuart

It's a beautiful, fall morning. I feel good.  One of the reasons I feel good is because I didn't give in to my night-time cravings last night. Some night's are worse than others.  Last night the Chocolate Cheerios were calling to me from the top of the fridge.  I told them to quiet down every time I walked by them.  Then I drank some water and got out of the kitchen.

Wednesday night I was craving ice cream.  It was a busy day and we didn't get home from running kids around until after 7pm.  Everyone was hungry.  When I approached the front door it opened.  Bryan was standing there with a pint of ice cream in his hand.  I just laughed as I entered.  He chuckled, sat down and continued eating his ice cream.  I went for the kitchen.  I immediately started heating up the oven for the Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets from the freezer.  It wasn't the healthiest dinner but it was quick and easy.  That is what they were there for. While they cooked I took the salad spinner out of the refrigerator.  I had a nice salad all ready for me.  I was thinking about it on the way home.  I added some imitation crab and shredded cheese to make it yummier. I sat at the kitchen table and ate my salad.

When they were ready I served the chicken nuggets to my kids and started making the tater tots.  I ate a few chicken nuggets but I tracked them and still had room for them in my day.  After the chicken and tater tots were gone I was done with my food allotment for the day but I was still having a craving.  I was craving that ice cream that Bryan long finished.  We live just a half of a mile from a Sentry grocery store.  It's very handy for those time when I realize I just need one more thing for a meal.  It's also handy when having those cravings.  It's not unlike us to run out to Sentry to get some dessert (usually ice cream).  That's just what I wanted to do.  Bryan would chuckle at me but would let me do it since he just ate some himself.  The kids would cheer and I would be the hero who brought home dessert.  I was so close to giving in but I didn't.  I put the kids to bed and drank some water.  After I set my mind to ignoring my craving it slowly went away and the further I got from the moment I almost left for Sentry, the better I felt about my self-control.

Night-time cravings are tricky.  I've struggled with them for years.  I grew up in a house where we ate late at night.  Bryan and I have always ate late at night too.  It's a habit that I have had to work very hard to stop.  It creeps back in every once in a while. I'm glad to say that I have been fighting it rather successfully lately.  I need to be very aware of it or it comes back without me knowing it.

Have a great day everyone......or should I say night.


"My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful lips when I think of you on my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." -Psalm 63:5-8

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How much water do we really need to consume?

This is an age old question.  This is a question that you will find an answer to in every diet that you try.  How much water do we really need to consume?

Yesterday, I told you how have been retaining water and am finding that I need to watch my sodium intake.  I received a comment about water consumption being related to water retention from Lois.  She is absolutely right and yesterday as I was writing about sodium I was thinking that today I might write about water.  Lois' comment confirmed that thought.

Water consumption is directly related to water retention.  The more water you drink, the more water you will expel, the less water you will retain.  (Is that a nice way of saying what I said yesterday?)  This is a great way of flushing out your body.  I have certainly noticed that I don't drink as much water as I used to.  I'm wondering why.  I still have my favorite water bottles.  I take them everywhere I go.  I used to drink 64 ounces of water per day without a problem. I think many days I am lucky to drink 32 ounces these days.  I have to concentrate more on that.  I actually think that it became a habit to drink less water.  When I was pregnant with Samuel I would consciously stop drinking water after 7pm because if I drank too much I would wake up several times to go to the bathroom.  I got tired of waking up to go.  That habit has worked it's way into the rest of my day too.

Sometimes I find myself just too lazy to get my butt up to go get my water bottle from the fridge when I am thirsty. (Hold on a second.) (Okay, my water bottle is on my desk now.)  I have these nice water bottles that are marked with the ounces right on the side. The close tightly so I never leave the house without one.  I have several so I always have at least one clean and filled with water in the fridge.  I have taken all of the right steps to be successful but don't drink enough water.  Maybe I need to buy limes and cut them into wedges ready to drop into my water bottles.  Maybe that will make them more special and inviting.

I know that I need to make it a goal to drink 64 ounces of water per day again.  I have found some definite benefits to drinking more water in the past:
-Sometimes I am thirsty and not hungry but I reach for food.  If I reach for water instead I will save myself calories.
-I have always had oily skin.  When I am drinking lots of water my skin is healthier.
-I physically feel better when drinking lots of water. Maybe because I am well hydrated.
-I have fewer headaches when I drink my water.  I don't suffer from chronic headaches but I have had plenty of them in the past. I never take medication for them until I drink lots of water to see if it goes way with hydration.  Many of times it works.
-When at a party it gives me something to do besides eat.

I know that there are many "rules" out there for water consumption.  WW recommends that you drink 48 ounces of liquids per day.  This can include any liquid except for alcohol.  That rule is fine and dandy but I like to drink water instead of other stuff like soda, juice, tea, etc.  Since watching my weight my favorite drink has become water.  It's refreshing.  It quenches my thirst.  It has no calories.

I have noticed that since I have started eating more fruit I drink less water.  I'm sure that's because there is juice in the fruit that makes me less thirsty.  Bryan once heard a doctor on the radio say that we don't really need to regulate how much extra water we drink.  He said that we get plenty of fluids from our food.  That certainly sounds possible but I still subscribe to the idea that drinking extra water helps my body function better.

I know there are many guidelines out there for drinking water or liquids.  I'm still subscribing to my theory that I want to drink 64 ounces of water per day.  Will I spend more time in the bathroom? Maybe.  At least the door locks and it's quiet in there;)

I drank 10 ounces of water while writing this.  Just a little attention goes a long way.

Have a great day,

"On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was standing there, he cried out, 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, 'Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water.'' Now he said this about the Spirit, which believers in him were to receive; for as yet there was no Spirit, because Jesus was not yet glorified." -John 8: 37-39

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I Guess I'm Watching my Sodium Intake

If you read food labels you many things: total fat, unsaturated fat, saturated fat, calories, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, cholesterol, sodium and more.  Sometimes looking at a label can be overwhelming.  What do you look at?  Should we look at every ingredient and every line?  How is it possible to watch our intake of everything?

When I started following WW in 2004 I decided that I was going to ignore all of the information that I had learned about diets previously.  I was going to block out every magazine article I had read and infomercial I had watched. I was just going to pay attention to the information that WW gave me.  I was too confused.  I didn't know what to pay attention to.  At that time Weight Watchers had us look at the calories, fat and fiber on a product to find it's points value.  I decided that was good enough for me.  I was going to track those things only.  As long as I was tracking my points, that was all I could concentrate on and I would lose weight.  It worked.  I lost weight by tracking my points based on those categories.

WW changed their program a couple of years ago. They changed it to use fat, fiber, carbs and protein to calculate PointsPlus Values.  When that happened I changed my focus to those categories instead. It was an adjustment but eventually I got used to it.

When I was a leader in the meeting rooms I would often have member ask me about sodium.  People wanted to know how to account for sodium.  Often, they were shocked that we didn't use sodium to calculate our points.  I would give the same answer regularly, "If you are someone who needs to watch your sodium you can do that.  You are not required to but you certainly can if you find that you are sodium sensitive."  I would estimate that about half of my members found that they were sodium sensitive.  I wasn't shy in telling them that I usually didn't have to watch my sodium.  It wasn't an issue for me.  I could just count my points, stick to them and be fine.

Since then I have gotten a few years happens.  I have recently found that my body is becoming more sodium sensitive.  There are days when I wake up and find my rings much tighter than the day before.  It's uncomfortable. It's disconcerting.  It's disappointing when I have followed my plan and eaten well but feel like I have gained weight.  It's frustrating when I step onto my home scale to find that I have gained weight.  I am realizing that those days are due to water retention.  I am becoming one the the "sodium sensitive people."

Yesterday morning I stepped on the scale.  My scale must have been preparing for Halloween because the number was scary! I chalked it up to all of the extra eating I had done over the camping weekend.  It was my own fault.  It was very disappointing though.  I was really hoping that the 5 mile hike would have helped to even out some of those extra calories.  Chasing a 15 month old around a campsite seemed like a pretty good workout too.  While everyone else was sitting around the campfire playing games and telling stories I was walking behind Samuel, taking leaves out of his mouth, dashing to grab him from the fire circle, picking him up as he stumbled for the umpteenth time......I thought I had gotten some pretty good exercise.  Looking back the calories I put in my body outweighed any workout that I received.

Apparently, my sodium intake must have been pretty high too.  I followed my eating plan well yesterday.  This morning my scale was 3 pounds lighter than yesterday. There is no way I lost 3 pounds of fat in a day so I know it was water.  I am not shy in telling you that I ran to the bathroom many times to pee yesterday too.  (Sorry, I can't come up with a better way to say it.)  I was obviously hanging on to a lot of water from the weekend and last week too.  I noticed last week that even though I was following the plan well (until Friday) I was not losing weight.  In fact, I had gained weight last week on my scale.  I'm sure it was due to water retention because I know that I made good eating choices.

I have joined the ranks of "sodium sensitive."  What does that mean for me?  I will keep watching my points, keep tracking everything, keep to my plan but now stay away from high sodium foods more often.  I'm sure it will be something new to get used to but I'm sure it will only make my weight loss that much easier and my body that much healthier.

I welcome feedback in the comment section to any of you who have found yourselves to be sodium sensitive too.  What are your tricks?  What do you look for?

Have a great day everyone,

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." -1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, October 1, 2012

Camping: pros and cons

Hello all,

I haven't posted in a few days because I have been camping.  It was an exciting weekend in the Ramsey household.  For the first time we went tent camping as a family. As a child, my father took my brothers and I tent camping several times but I have never done it as an adult.  The closest my children and husband have gotten to tent camping is once a few years ago when we went up north with some friends to their trailer.  With all of our kids there was not enough room in the trailer so my husband and 2 sons slept in the tent outside.  I didn't count that as true tent camping because they had access to the trailer for everything except sleeping.

This past weekend we went true tent camping with the same friends and another family.  It was a great time. It was a great experience for myself and my family.  It was a well-needed get-away too.  We hadn't vacationed as a whole family at all this year so when my friends asked us to join them on this trip I jumped at the chance.  We really  needed a get away together.  The kids and I had gotten away for 10 days during the summer but Bryan didn't get to join us. Bryan got away for a workcamp this summer too, but I wasn't able to join him for that. It was nice to get away from the daily grind with my entire family plus some good friends that we love spending time with.  That is a pro to this past weekend.  I feel refreshed.  I feel like I can get back to chores and school work with new vigor.  I have a new lease on life.  Life can get so rushed and busy.  I can get so stressed.  This weekend I was able to enjoy the nature that God so beautifully created.  It was gorgeous.  We camped at Devil's Lake State Park in Wisconsin.  The colors are starting to turn on the trees.  It was one beautiful sight after another.

It was a great time to teach my children to work together too.  I am not an expert camper, Bryan has never camped but my friends have.  It was fabulous to have them there to take control of the nuts and bolts of camping.  We all assisted in setting up the tents, cooking the meals, gathering the wood, fetching the water, serving the food, taking down the camp, cleaning up, doing dishes, chasing Sammy and more.  As I write this I feel a bit guilty because I was chasing Samuel so much that I couldn't help as much as I would have liked.  As often as I could I would put one of the kids on "Sammy duty" while I helped with camp.  Actually, it was wonderful that so many of the kids often volunteered to be on "Sammy duty" because he is so loved. There were 5 adults and 12 children (Jason is 13 and he was the oldest) including my family.  The adults were well outnumbered but the kids were so helpful that it was a great time.

We went hiking up one of the sides of Devil's Lake.  It was gorgeous.  It was also a ton of exercise!  That was yet another pro.  All of the adults on this trip are watching their weight.  Four of them are WW members and the other one has lost 40 pounds this year.  We earned a ton of Activity Points, burned a ton of calories and worked our muscles.  Several times over the hike my friend and fellow WW, Julie, asked me how many Activity Points we had earned.  At one part of the hike I had decided that every step I took climbing up the rocks with Sammy on my back had to count as a point.  I have a feeling that each step counting as a point may be a slight exaggeration but I am still sore today from that hike we took on Saturday so I know I worked my muscles.  It was tiring. I wanted to give up when we were told that we took the wrong way down the hill and now we would have to climb back up the hundreds of rocks that we had just maneuvered down to get back to the rest of our group.  Looking back I don't regret one step. I really think I would take every step again and climb every rock both down and up.

Even though I can feel every step I take today in my muscles I am encouraged that I was able to get through the hike and still be breathing.  I hiked at least half of the hike with Samuel on my back.  (I have a picture posted on the bottom to prove it.) Samuel weighs 26 pounds so that was a taste of what it would be like to carry around 26 pounds of the weight I have lost.  The really encouraging part is that even with the extra 26 pounds I kept up with the group quite well.  Our 3 families were joining this Boy Scouts on this hike so we had to keep up with young boys. It made me feel a renewed vigor for exercise.

All of those pros that I just mentioned were joined by just one con.  When I am exercising so much and enjoying the company of good friends and family I............wait for guess it it, eat more!  While camping out around a campfire there are s'mores.  While going on a 5 mile hike, climbing up and down rocks and hills there are trail mixes.  When coming back to camp after a long hike there are sandwiches, fruit, chips, cheese, sausages and crackers to eat.  While camping with so many children someone is always hungry so there is always food available.  When returning home sleep deprived and desperately needing a shower the local pizza buffet is very clean up, no cooking, no dishes.  Need I say more?! I ate too much!

Here's to a new week.  It's Monday.  I'm home.  I have access to my kitchen and will use it wisely.  I also have access to the outdoors and should use it more often too.

Have a great day everyone,


"O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?"-Psalm 8:1-4
Here is much of our crew on the hike with some of the Boy Scouts.  I'm the one towards the middle in the green with Sammy on my back.

Sammy knew that he was supposed to sit on that chair.  He plopped himself right down on that spot. Now we just need to teach him how to open it first.

The tents needed taken down and the air needed to be let out......or should I say squished out.  Unfortunately, most of the air was gathering under the 40 pound little Carlin on the end.